I'm back.. I think. Motivation needed!


New member
Hey all,

Needing motivation really.

I'm 25, been lifting since I was 15 (seriously since about 18/19). I was in a good place. Diet was on point, routine was in check and was consistent with progress. At 23 (2014/15) stats were:

Weight: 86kg ish

Height: 5ft 9

Bf%: 9/10%.

(Done 1 aas cycle summer 2014 of test sust and anavar)

Mrs got pregnant late 2014 so workload went through the roof as we lost half an income so lifting and diet got pushed to one side. And then got considerably worse. I now look like an average joe that's probably slightly overweight who has a terrible sweet tooth. Diet is controllable when focused etc but struggling to go back to the gym for longer than two weeks and stick at it.

Anyone else had the same sort of issues? How did you find the motivation?
