I'm off to wrestling!


New member
I'm going to see WWE tonight in Guelph! I'm excited! I haven't been to a show in few months. Yippee for me!!!:D
I'll take pics and post some good ones! :40oz:
Okay well, it was a little disappointing as none of the main headliners were there. There was no Goldberg, no Triple H, no Steve Austin. We did however get to see Shane O'Mac and Kane in a street fight which was totally cool! The women's four way with Trish, Gail, Molly and Lita was awesome too! Jazz was the special guest referee. Pretty cool match actually. I think the highlight of my evening was definitely seeing Randy Orton. He is an amazing wrestler. He has an awesome build and the wrestling skills to go along with the build.
The Dudley's and La Resistance had a table match with The Dudley's of course coming out with the win. They really got the crowd pumped up! All in all, good house show. Just a little disappointing not seeing any of the main eventers at the show. ;)
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