Im ready for my first cycle. What does everyone think?


New member
I have never taken any illegal PED's and I'm about to start my first cycle. I have been working out for 8 years and this last year I have pretty much hit my natural peak.


Age: 25
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 175
BF: 7%

Current diet:

7 meals a day 350g protein, 200g carbs, 75g fats. About 3,000 cal per day.

(Carbs are mostly pre and post weight training)


3 times a week cardio for 30 min.

Weight training is a 5 day split:
Chest. Back. Shoulders. Arms. Legs.
Rest every 4-5 days.


Test Sustenon

500mg per week. 2 injections per week of 250mg each. Monday and Wed.


HCG 1 ml per week. 2 injections per week of .5 ml each. Monday and wed. This will fallow post cycle right away, so If my last test shot was on a Wed, my first Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would be the fallowing Mon.

I also have Nolvadex on hand just incase gyno arrives I can take it inta cycle to cure that.

The needles I bought are 1.5in 20g and 22g. I plan on rotating from both quads and both butt cheeks. Are the needles long enough? I was told by a friend I need 3in because my BF is low and I could bubble up on a 1.5 in.

Well, Im pretty nervous and excited. What are eveyones thoughts on my cycle. Does it look right? Anything I can improve on or change?

Thanks for the help!
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I don't like the duration of the cycle with sustanon HK, keep in mind sustanon has the deconate ester and that is the biggest sole ingredient milligram wise at 100mg per ml. It may be every bit of 6 weeks before you can say that cycle has kicked in to full swing. Then 4 weeks of gains and drop back off to post cycle therapy (pct) soon after?

IMO at least 12 weeks on sustanon.

I would like to hear your reasoning for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) only post cycle therapy (pct). I know guys do it, curious why you are doing it.

You are aware of the early signs of gyno? nolva will work to stop it if it sets in. old school weapons but they are still effective when test only is involved.

What brand sustanon? Did you only order two 10ml vials and that is the reason for 10 weeks?

The brand I have is Sustogain (Orgain Labs?) Its 250mg/ml. 10ml. I did only order 2 10ml vials, so it would only last me 10 weeks if I'm running 500mg per week. Would you recommend a lower dosage for a longer period?

My reasoning for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle therapy is to bring back my natural test levels once I stop and to make sure my estrogen doesn't spike up. What would you recommend?

I'm aware of early signs of gyno. Such as sensitive nipples. Thats why I will have the novadex on deck.


The brand I have is Sustogain (Orgain Labs?) Its 250mg/ml. 10ml. I did only order 2 10ml vials, so it would only last me 10 weeks if I'm running 500mg per week. Would you recommend a lower dosage for a longer period?

My reasoning for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle therapy is to bring back my natural test levels once I stop and to make sure my estrogen doesn't spike up. What would you recommend?

I'm aware of early signs of gyno. Such as sensitive nipples. Thats why I will have the novadex on deck.


This is my experience with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle.

initial boost and soft crash.. 2 weeks post post cycle therapy (pct) nice test levels 550's, nice enough that i thought I was recovered. a few weeks later felt horrible! Test was redone and I was batting 180's as a total T level.

This tells me that it did pick me up for a little while but after stopping and a little bit of time went by I crashed hard!

That is all i can comment on.. People swear it works for them, it didn't for me.

I find Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) effective during the cycle at maintaining testicular size and sprm volume which makes a transition into post cycle therapy (pct) so miuch smoother. But for actual post cycle therapy (pct) for me clomid is king and I toss in nolva for good measure.

This is all my own opinion and other things do work and have for others. post cycle therapy (pct) is not an exact science.

Go no less than 500 on the sustanon, you need every bit of 500 to see good gains.

Can you get another bottle or are their minimums in the way?

The clomid and nolva you can get from our research sponsors.
Oh and thanks for that link. According to that link I should run novadex 25-30 days post last injection of test, then start my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after that. Don't you think not taking anything for 25-30 days post last injection runs a risk??
The needles I bought are 1.5in 20g and 22g. I plan on rotating from both quads and both butt cheeks. Are the needles long enough? I was told by a friend I need 3in because my BF is low and I could bubble up on a 1.5 in.

Those pins will work, but they're a little thick. 23g and 25g are more common. Thick enough to get the oil through, but thin enough that they won't leave sore spots.

1.5" is fine. You could even do 1" for delts and quads.
Id run Sustanon (sust) for 12 weeks and you should know your not gonna get 10 weeks outta 2 10ml vials probably around 9 weeks so order another bottle along with some arimidex to run .5 eod during cycle to keep estro in check and then use your nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20.