I'm starting my 1st steroid cycle, I need advice


New member
So im 6'4 250 lbs with 16.1 % body fat. by summer i wanna be 12% and weigh 217-225lbs. i wanna get a little bigger but i also wanna cut down, more cutting then getting bigger. Cuz i am getting into modeling and need that beach body. Now i have been talking to friends and people in my hometown, and they say i should do 10 weeks 500mg of TREN stacked with 250mg of ETHINATE TEST, reason being for the test is cuz tren stops ur natural production of test in your body. So that would drop my test levels...i would wanna do Just 500mg of tren alone cuz i dont wanna get too big, but im not sure! I really would appreciate suggestions from all of you, this is my 1st cycle...i have done winnstrol before but it was pill form and it didnt really do anything. But please help me...what should i do for my first cycle...
i will help you...... although you could easily find your answers with a lil research.

take test by itself -if you take anything-tren is 10 times more potent than test-and can have 10 times the sides.....your not ready for AAS-judging by your post alone.....and your def nowhere near ready for tren.

test enanthate 250mg every 5 days-do this for 12 weeks

2 weeks after last inject-take clomid at 50mg ED for 4 weeks

good luck-read
250mg E4D would be better IMO

I think 500mg week would be ideal tho. Shootin Mon/thur 250mg each. I just like that pinning schedule for some reason...

I'd stay away from the Tren like Newb said.
He's a big guy... I think that would probably be just over a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage. I'd run 500 with some Anavar perhaps...

But if alll he wants is to cut weight he doesnt need a cycle. Just up his cardio... unless he is old enough and his natty Test is low enough then he'd benefit from a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage of Test.
these guys are giving you excellent advice. NO tren. the only thng i can add to that is search these forums. they are chock full of good information. Just about everything you need to know is written here.
Agreed with those above. Drop tren and bump the test to 500. Cardio and diet will affect size more than gear.
yup ^^^ drop any idea of tren..for at least 4-5 cycles till you know how you tolerate these compounds. Clean up your diet, up your reps to 12-15..cardio 4-6 times a week in the a.m. The longer the better..imo.
You got some good advice here. Btw whoever told you to run 500mg of tren weekly in your first cycle.... Never ask that guy for advice again cuz dude has no clue WTF he's talkin about. That's probably the worst possible advice you could get
You got some good advice here. Btw whoever told you to run 500mg of tren weekly in your first cycle.... Never ask that guy for advice again cuz dude has no clue WTF he's talkin about. That's probably the worst possible advice you could get

i agree. first cycle should be test only, you never know how your body is going to react.
i really appreciate the help guys! i am 24 years old though, i forgot to add that in. But i have another question...if i go 250 of test, is ethanate a good one to go with? and if i clean up my diet and up cardio while on this cycle will i still gain? or do i need to eat like a horse? like i said i would like to put on a LITTLE more size and cut down....love the advice though REALLY appreciate it
test enanthate is good choice. diet will determine your gains-if you eat high protein low carbs-you will prob just lean up. i ate about 3500 cals on my test only cycle-with low carbs-and only complex carbs. i did not gain a pound-but my BF went way down and i got a lot stronger.
You can accomplish anything you want to...A leaner/cleaner diet, high in protien and good carbs...a little juice..500/week..aerobics. Read diet section..what you eat when is crucial to your goals..
Fuck dude...6 3 250 ??!! If you could stay say 230 plus and pull down your fat the 4-5 points you want , you ll look and be huge.
But..I m a lil old man...
im 6'4 and 250lbs...i would like to be at like 217-225lbs by summer tho. what are some good carbs? like nuts and stuff? is peanut butter good carb? how much protein should i be intakeing during the cycle?
your like 16% bodyfat now and you got to 12% you still be more than 217 id say like 225-230.

if i were you i would run the test at 500/week to bulk up then run post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection for 4 weeks,and then just try to maintian your muscle a month after post cycle therapy (pct) then start cutting naturally and you still prolly be 240lbs or more at 12% bodyfat.

another option is too cut first naturally then lean bulk on the test.
or he can just cut now with the test-so he can have restricted diet and the test will allow him to keep his muscle.

4% is only 10 lbs of fat. he could prob be 13% by the end of this cycle.
I told you it s doeable. run the cycle..12 weeks..imo..learn diet..lots of cardio..you can shed the fat and retain most if not all your muscle. A.M aerobics will keep your bmr jacked up the rest of the day....
In March I stop by the gym and do 30-40 min. before work..0500-0545,4 times a week, of ANY low impact cardio machine ( bad knees )..heart rate 135 plus...it melts away the fat..train with weights 4-5 times a week for 1 hour. But my vanity has no limits..