I'm the20 years old who fucked his natural hermone I'm on week 4 now you think there's different between stop now or finish my cycle ?! I already fucked my natural hermone and if I stopped my test will recover and like nothing happen and I can gain muscle natural
yes stop now and run proper. post cycle therapy then do blood work a month after you have finished the PCT. I recommend you spend the money to get a proper diet program personalized for you and follow it. You natural Testosterone should be at it's peak at your age you should be learning how to eat everything in sight and double up on the pussy.
.....yawn...."..my friend s on x aas and needs to know...."
same old b/s...maybe he ll come back w facts from bw and show me up. I hope so. I never get bent when corrected. I was wrong-once. LMAO
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