* Important * Ug Lab Question ???

Dr. Dianabol

New member
I would like to know, who has the best underground Testosterone Enanthate.
Quest, World Products, or QFS. I can get the first two for the same price, and QFS even cheaper.

Now question is the following. Are there any fakes of these going around. If so what to look for.

Secondly, all these brands are 200mg of test enanthate. Now i heard underground labs are not always up to the mark when it comes to dosage. At worst case scenario, how much test per CC is there actually, are we talking only a few mg's off or 25-50mg's off etc. Cause i was planning on doing 500mg of test for 12 weeks, and if these brands are underdosed i can up that do 600mg.

Last question, but most important for me, not sure who here gets drug tested (IOC rules apply here as i am a amateur wrestler) but i do. I know in legit brands such as Schering if u got the real deal stuff, then all thats in there is the test enanthate and no traces of other stuff. How clean are these in terms of ingredients.

Cause what happens if i take say the Quest stuff, and i stay off long enough before the drug test which is 3 months for test enanthate, but fail for nandralone, or boldenone, etc.

Please help.

Thanks to all replies.
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Most drug tests don't test for anabolics.

Outside of IOC and NCAA athletics it isn't probable. If your employer told you that they test for roids, they are lying.