IMT is Back! Ask us Anything! Dr Prescribed Testosterone

IMT staff

Official Sponsor
Thats right your #1 Male Testosterone Clinic is back supporting this great forum!

Don't take our word for it, check out our reviews.

For 4 years now we have been sponsoring the TRT forum here at Steroidology and we first of all want to thank the thousands of clients that support our efforts to make testosterone optimization easy, affordable and efficient. Without you we wouldn't be here today.

For the new guys (and gals) IMT is a nationwide Male Testosterone Clinic that specializes in testosterone and growth hormone optimization.

So the first thing you probably want to know, what does IMT do for me?

1. IMT will make sure you have the correct diagnostics performed before embarking on testosterone or growth hormone optimization. This is imperative to your future progress, by developing a proper baseline of all your hormones we can be sure in the future you are dialed in and not causing any unwanted side effects with your testosterone replacement regimen.

2. We will have all of your information reviewed by one of our network physicians that is licensed in your state. This will let us now if you would be a good candidate for treatment with us.

3. We will work with you to develop a program that fits your individual needs, and meets specific goals that are outlined.

4. We will work with you hand in hand to to get your dosages titrated correctly. This is an ongoing process that starts at the 2 week mark and usually goes through week 8-10. Your dosages will be titrated based on symptomatology during this period. We can sometimes tell if a titration is needed in as little as 2-3 weeks, this is where our vast experience comes into play.

5. Once you feel great and all symptoms are alleviated, we will make sure you get the correct diagnostics to see if any further titration is needed. Now that we are feeling great we want to make sure everything is still within physiological range.

6. Once your dialed in we will continue to keep you updated with any changes or advances in regards to testosterone therapy. Helping you interpret your continued lab work that needs to be done every 6-8 months thereafter.

How do I become a client of IMT?

The first thing we need to do is get your free no obligation pre-approval from one of our network physicians, by completing our new patient forms which can be found below:

and turning them in with your most recent lab work. If you do not have lab work completed we will be happy to schedule your draw for you at a LabCorp near you.

Simply fill out all the forms EXCEPT the credit card form and return it with your labs.

Once your forms are submitted it takes up to 24 hours to hear back from the medical team and the physician. Once the approval is complete Todd Thomas will give you a call right away to go over your options.

Our testosterone optimization programs are paid for in 8-16 week increments and the monthly cost average is $140-250 a month. Your program will include everything you need from syringes to a sharps container to dispose of them.

Our growth hormone optimization programs vary greatly on pricing because of the wide array of treatment options and applications.

Now that we have told you a little about us, we will leave this thread open for anyone to ask any questions you would like

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Why did you guys leave and then come back?

One of our main offices moved out of state all the way across the country and steroidology was doing some tweaks at the time due to the penguin update. IMT was busy with the move and was not in a position to take on a bunch of new clients at the moment. Also with the update to the website here going on traffic was down.

It was as simple as that. It was actually a good much needed break, it also gave IMT time and extra money to work on our website.

So nothing too exciting xD
Thanks for the warm welcome back Milton! It feels good to back learning and educating ourselves through the user feedback here in the TRT forum.
One of our main offices moved out of state all the way across the country and steroidology was doing some tweaks at the time due to the penguin update. IMT was busy with the move and was not in a position to take on a bunch of new clients at the moment. Also with the update to the website here going on traffic was down.

It was as simple as that. It was actually a good much needed break, it also gave IMT time and extra money to work on our website.

So nothing too exciting xD

Across the country where. ..Arizona, Nevada ??
Welcome back.
When u ll go international ? :)

Man I wish we could go international now, we get calls all the time from Canada, The UK and Australia.

I really need to get my butt out there and market to the physicians in those areas. Once I got that set up the rest would be easy.
Man I wish we could go international now, we get calls all the time from Canada, The UK and Australia.

I really need to get my butt out there and market to the physicians in those areas. Once I got that set up the rest would be easy.

I'm not telling you what to do but what you're proposing is not a bad idea.
I'd jump all over that. Canada has very poor treatment for TRT.
There's guys suffering with Low T not even treated by endo's etc. One would need to be real hypogonadal before he gets any glance from the docs there.
The endos getting referrals from's to treat low Testosterone are making the guys go to the hospital labs to get them done. The labs there have a normal range starting at 100 ng/dl for TT. It's really going from bad to worse in Canada for TRT. There was a thread made recently on this.
Man I wish we could go international now, we get calls all the time from Canada, The UK and Australia.

I really need to get my butt out there and market to the physicians in those areas. Once I got that set up the rest would be easy.

In some parts of the world, people are interested in the protocol itself.. Not the prescription ..
Testosterone and blood tests are available ..
May be you should think of expanding ur business to such people and helping them with trt or restart protocols..

Anyways , welcome back.
I'm not telling you what to do but what you're proposing is not a bad idea.
I'd jump all over that. Canada has very poor treatment for TRT.
There's guys suffering with Low T not even treated by endo's etc. One would need to be real hypogonadal before he gets any glance from the docs there.
The endos getting referrals from's to treat low Testosterone are making the guys go to the hospital labs to get them done. The labs there have a normal range starting at 100 ng/dl for TT. It's really going from bad to worse in Canada for TRT. There was a thread made recently on this.

I bet theyd clean house opening up shop in Canada.

Anyways welcome back IMT.
In some parts of the world, people are interested in the protocol itself.. Not the prescription ..
Testosterone and blood tests are available ..
May be you should think of expanding ur business to such people and helping them with trt or restart protocols..

Anyways , welcome back.

I think that is a good idea, maybe just do some kind of VIP membership where we can walk them through everything.

I will def think about that.
Hey IMT. I am currently on your testosterone replacement program. I use hcg 500iu/wk along with my test to help maintain testicle function and fertility. I don't see myself having kids for at least another 5-10 years. My hopes is that the hcg will be enough to maintain my fertility long term, but who knows if it will keep me fertile for 10 years.

My question is in regards to HMG. Have you guys ever thought of offering this to your clients? My understanding is that you really only need to use it around the time you are trying to conceive to give your sperm count a "boost". Is this something that is a possibility in the future?

Thanks guys