In need of a diet to drop weight..


New member
So, I will start with some background information so that we can get the closest thing possible for me.

Age: 26
Weight: 231.51 lb
Fat%: 30.6%
BMR: 2198.16
TDEE: 3407.14

I have never worked out steady my entire life until recently. I had the urge to make a change and that is exactly what I have done so far. I started going to the gym about 4 months ago Monday - Friday. I have also started to eat a lot more healthy instead of the typical fast food joints I use to hit all the time. I started this journey at 246 lb.

Gym Schedule
Monday - Friday @ 5:30am

Monday - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (15 min on Power Cycle Bike before workout)
Tuesday - Cardio & Abs (35 min on Treadmill @ 3.0 with 4.0 Incline)
Wednesday - Legs (15 min on Power Cycle Bike before workout)
Thursday - Cardio & Abs (35 min on Treadmill @ 3.0 with 4.0 Incline)
Friday - Back & Biceps (15 min on Power Cycle Bike before workout)

Every 3 weeks we change up on Mondays and Fridays to:

Monday - Chest and Back (15 min on Power Cycle Bike before workout)
Friday - Shoulders, Triceps & Biceps (15 min on Power Cycle Bike before workout)

As a diet goes for right now...there isn't much of one, well not a very good one that is.

Usually consist of 2 Protein Bars, 2 Protein based meals with veggies, and Water. Sometimes I dont even get that in. I do something I know I am not suppose to, which is when I am somewhere and I dont have anything healthy to eat or snack...I dont eat. Not a good idea I know that. One of the main reasons I am here, so I can get my diet exactly how I need it.

Starting next week along with my usual 5:30am workout Monday - Friday I am going to start doing HIIT in the evening 2 or 3 times a week after work. Unless I should do it less or more often...maybe a heads up there would be nice if possible as well.
My suggestion would be to increase meals to 5-6 a day. Doesn't have to be big portions, small is ok but just make sure your meeting your caloric needs so you can maintain what muscle you do have. When trying to cut weight you want to take your BMR and subtract 500-700 a day. Increase your cardio to 45 a day. Just my .02
you have two options...
1. go to my free diet advice thread... read and do everything that is asked of you in post 1... and post up a diet in that thread for critique.. i do that for free for all ology memebers

2. if you really wanna step it up.. your more then welcome to become a client of mine for diet advice... 80% of your success in meeting your goals will be based on your diet.. so you really need to lean how to eat right... under my supervision i will take the guess work out for you..

if your interested email me at