Inject in the same spot

Hey fellas,

Just a simple question. How often do you/can you shoot in the same spot per week?
The reason I´m wondering is since I tend to get sore for 2-3 days when injecting 2cc sust 250 in my thigh. Is it safe to shoot again after 3 days or should I wait longer?
I have only taken shots once per week and 2cc at the most in my thigh with no problem except for the soreness.

Please let me have your input on this one.

welcome bro , spread them out as often as possible to keep down scar tissue , try the other thigh , as you add more and different kinds of injectables you will probably have to branch out and add other sites , delts, tris , bis , glutes etc
Quick response! :) Thank you bro!

Well site injections (tris, bis, delts) are a big no-no for me. Thighs are no problem, glutes.. well lets just say I don´t like watching myself in the mirror sweating like a pig, trying to hit the right spot. I get uncomfortable if I don´t see the injection site. How do you fellas do it? I used to get help from my brother with injections in the glutes thou. No problem there but I can´t be depending upon him every time.
The reason I don´t like site injections is because of a shot gone bad in my glute. I had a lump the size of a golfball for months! That really freaked me out but I quess my brother didn´t push the pin deep enough that time since it only happened once.

I´m planning on doing 1000mg+ of test/week so I really need to find other other parts of my body to inject.


Sorry for any bad spelling..

DADAWG said:
welcome bro , spread them out as often as possible to keep down scar tissue , try the other thigh , as you add more and different kinds of injectables you will probably have to branch out and add other sites , delts, tris , bis , glutes etc
I map off my quads into 3 different quadrants, (upper, middle, lower), that way you really have 6 different sites and just rotate between them.
"I´m planning on doing 1000mg+ of test/week so I really need to find other other parts of my body to inject."

Then you'll have to get over this hang-up with using other sites. Why are tri's, bi's and delts "no-no's" for you? They are quite accessible and easy once you get used to them. Sounds like the only problem you ever had was w/ the glute anyway.
Bi's, tri's and delts are right there in front of your nose, just inches away from your eyes, and don't require any awkward twisting of the body to hit. Try 'em, you'll like 'em!
Thanks Buffdoc!

Well, I got kind of freaked out about the golfball sized lump in my glute and I can imagine how that would have looked and felt on my bi or tri.
You care to elaborate a little on how to inject in the tri and bi, please?
Are we talking 1cc shots here or 2cc? How about all the nerves involved in site injections?


buffdoc said:
Then you'll have to get over this hang-up with using other sites. Why are tri's, bi's and delts "no-no's" for you? They are quite accessible and easy once you get used to them. Sounds like the only problem you ever had was w/ the glute anyway.
Bi's, tri's and delts are right there in front of your nose, just inches away from your eyes, and don't require any awkward twisting of the body to hit. Try 'em, you'll like 'em!
Thank you bro! Very helpful!

I´m a little confused as to how deep the pin should be inserted when injecting in bis or tris. I´m quite small, "blessed" with the most Godawful genetics seen to mankind, so at 178cm and 82kilos my arms are quite skinny. The fella on the pics have somewhat larger arms than me. Maybe I´m just beeing silly, should I push it in as far as he does? Is there a chance I could push the pin trough the muscle somehow? This might be really stupid questions to you fellas but I feel I´m better of safe than sorry.


Brock Landers said:
hey bro
heres a site that might help you out a bit. :)
This is somewhat against what some people here do, but I actually shoot my quads eod. And to be honest, Im noticing some nice growth on my legs ever since I started doing so. Sure, its probably some swelling but there is definitely other growth there.
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Really? I thought the whole deal with site injections was some sort of psychological thing? If not, I REALLY need to start injecting my arms! :cool:

Thanks for sharing the EOD injections in the thighs bro! BTW, are we talking 1cc shots or 2?


BiggieSwolls said:
This is somewhat against what some people here do, but I actually shoot my quads eod. And to be honest, Im noticing some nice grwoth on ym legs ever since I started doing so. Sure, its probably some swelling but there is defintiely other growth there.
During my last cycle I only shot in my bis and tris. And I was doing ED injections....2cc each time.
delt, glute, quad, calf on one side; then the other.

may drop delts as I can't aspirate very well without moving the needle and causing soreness.
GeneticalChallenge said:
Thanks Buffdoc!

Well, I got kind of freaked out about the golfball sized lump in my glute and I can imagine how that would have looked and felt on my bi or tri.
You care to elaborate a little on how to inject in the tri and bi, please?
Are we talking 1cc shots here or 2cc? How about all the nerves involved in site injections?


I don't go over 2cc in arms. Use 25g 1 inch exclusively. Sweet!
Have never hit a nerve. If you do, it will feel like an electric shock, just pull back and re-direct. No problemo.