injectable cialis dogue or docj.


New member
i love cialis but hate the horrible horrible heart burn. i heard if u make it injectable u can avoid this. Im willing to dart my self either slin or regular.

any one have any recipees? dogue or docj cmon i know u got em upstairs some where.
Haha. Wow, I can't say I've tryed or evenm really thought about this. I don't have anything for ya but shit, if you do this you get much respect!
I'm thinking the heart burn isn't cause by the direct effect of the chemical on the inside, but rather the actions of the drug.

I could be wrong.

I can see more advantages to injecting Viagra, to hopefully get around that fat absorption problem (if that would fix it) and decrease the amount of time for the drug to take effect.

Cialis can be taken hours ahead of time so that isn't a problem.
I find that it's not as bad if I put it in a cap rather than just downing the liquid outright....oh and don't drink any booze after you take it, that makes the acid reflux really bad.
Alcohol after cialis is a HUGE nono if you're prone to heartburn. Also, dont vomit or you will open the gates to hell. Once that valve has been breached you will be in a world of hurt. Ive been there - it isnt pretty.
why would the filter catch it? it doesnt catch other powders? also ive made Winstrol (winny) with out filtering before and heard no complaints from my friends ( might be stupid but it worked).
simpllyhuge said:
why would the filter catch it? it doesnt catch other powders? also ive made Winstrol (winny) with out filtering before and heard no complaints from my friends ( might be stupid but it worked).

Shit, thats crazy about the Winstrol (winny). haha. It would catch powders if they are in solution, but as a suspension it will.
I have actually thought about making injectable cialis just to see. But those stericups are too expensive to be wasting it on a little batch of injectable cialis.
nycee what do you mean about the Winstrol (winny). do you mean it woulnt or would?

also i have a whole bunch of whatman filters.

i have made small batches of things before thou and then saved the stericup and reused it. but thats like a 500ml stericup that i reuse after making like 50ml of test at a different concentration, then making another batch a week later stronger or weaker for a my freinds.
simpllyhuge said:
nycee what do you mean about the Winstrol (winny). do you mean it woulnt or would?

also i have a whole bunch of whatman filters.

i have made small batches of things before thou and then saved the stericup and reused it. but thats like a 500ml stericup that i reuse after making like 50ml of test at a different concentration, then making another batch a week later stronger or weaker for a my freinds.

I was just saying that its crazy your friends injected unfiltered Winstrol (winny). As for the cialis, get it into solution in oil or water first somehow, then filter it.
well im not experinced enough to experiment with this stuff by my self.

I was reading that the Winstrol (winny) is to hard to filter in a suspension with out it crashing and every one on here was all about not answering Winstrol (winny) questions.
Haha, ok simplly - shoot.

What are your burning questions on Winstrol (winny)? I hate the shit personally but Ill take a 24 hour vacation from winny-hate town and field your questions.
I've had luck with Prilosec OTC in controlling heart burn while on cialis, but it takes a day or so to start doing the job.
dogue thanks. i cant find the directions i used but i used the method where the distilled water and i think ba goes in each 20ml vial first. then in the beaker on the stove, its like the Winstrol (winny) powder and peg and thats it i think, then when it gets hot you just pour it in and shake.

not sure if u know what directions im talking about but its a suspension and i dont know where the filtering would come in, and what filter to used. I usually use the kind the screw on top media bottles or i have watmans that i bought for Winstrol (winny) but never figured out how to use it with out them crashing.