injectable l-carintine


New member
L-carintine is an amino acid which is very good for fat metabolising. Correct? Iv read numerouse studies saying it is. A while back I saw an add for injectable L-carnitine. It is to be injected sub-q. Anyway I was at the store today and noticed that there is now a liquid form available instead of pills I usually saw. I am considering to buy it and use it as an injectable. The ingredient are water, and 1000mg of L-carnitine. Does anyone see something wrong with this except for sterilty issues. I dont think it could be that bad. After all look at something like PGH, that is ment for oral consumption but people inject it all the time.
if it is water base run it thru a .22 micron filter and you good to go. just make sure it aint got a bunch of alcohol in it for preservative. it will sting a bit for a few minutes but what they hey. it is used by some for localized fat reduction and gyno as well. you can buy the powder from some sorces and make your own sterile solutions. prolly cheaper that way and you know what you got too.
They sell vet grade L-Carnintine on the net for cheap. Something like 100 ml for 15 bucks. And it's designed for IM used so you can also use it for SQ.