Today i was injecting my quad with prop and winny each 1cc, so i injected prop needle everything went fine, aspirated and slowly injected the oil in, pulled out and prepared my winny needle, went about 2inches far from the site i injected prop, checked for visible veins true skin and injected in syringe with winny, i did aspiration even few times becouse now i take precautions from the last dumb moves i made. There was no blood, i pulled plunger really slow for about 2-3sec, and repeated again for precautions. Than slowly injected winny, after i injected winny, waited for about 15 secs to pull out syringe so the water based winny wont get back, and i saw very little blood came in the syringe, but no more, i waited for more 5 secs and pulled out than took care of injection site. Had no cough or stuff like that. So can anyone explain did i waisted me winny shot?