Injection pain, Injection pain


New member
Its almost been 36 hours since my last testosterone injection. I am feeling no pain in my injection site. Im usually comfortably sore by now. What could this be?
Is this your first cycle? If so, than you may have developed a tolerance to the chemicals and perhaps became a better shot?

Not tolerance like you're body isn't getting enough out of them now.. but just the general pip that some gear causes will go away after your muscle tissue and other parts have grown accustomed to what's in it.

When I say a better shot.. sometimes as noobies we tend to shake, go in at an angle, forget to push out air, pull the needle back out and have to reshoot. All these things will cause additional pain to the area beyond the virgin muscle pip.

If this isn't your first cycle... I don't really know what to say. lol

Perhaps you've started a new vial and it's not as Alcohol ridden as the previous vial. Maybe the gear before was contaminated and this is not? Maybe it's your first cycle in a while and you've done some noob shit the past few shots and you've worked out the kinks before doing this one.

I think it's safe to say, we'd probably need more information than "I was having pain before, now I'm not" :D
Some folks new to injections don't know to use separate needles one to draw one to pin. Dull needles cause pain and make it more difficult to puncture the dermal layers. Also depends where you're injecting if you aren't close to the middle/large part of the muscle and are hitting where it converges into ligament/tendon it will be more painful.
Some folks new to injections don't know to use separate needles one to draw one to pin. Dull needles cause pain and make it more difficult to puncture the dermal layers. Also depends where you're injecting if you aren't close to the middle/large part of the muscle and are hitting where it converges into ligament/tendon it will be more painful.

If someone pins an insertion point, pain is an understatement!