Never Satisfied
Wondering if anyone has ever ran tren and test both at high levels, Ive ran tren high and test low many times, and it was great. If I can get any input from guys that have ran a cycle similar to the first one. My goal is to recomp, I have done it before. (I have used tren ace 3x already)
Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week
Week 1-17 letro .30mg e3d
Week 4-15 Prami .25 ed
PCT 15 days after last shot
Week 17-22 Clomid 50/50/40/40/25
Week 17-22 Torem 120/90/60/40/40
Week 1-13 test p 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Tren Ace 480mg/week
Maybe throw in var if I get a chance
Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week
Week 1-17 letro .30mg e3d
Week 4-15 Prami .25 ed
PCT 15 days after last shot
Week 17-22 Clomid 50/50/40/40/25
Week 17-22 Torem 120/90/60/40/40
Week 1-13 test p 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Tren Ace 480mg/week
Maybe throw in var if I get a chance