Input on which cycle to choose


Never Satisfied
Wondering if anyone has ever ran tren and test both at high levels, Ive ran tren high and test low many times, and it was great. If I can get any input from guys that have ran a cycle similar to the first one. My goal is to recomp, I have done it before. (I have used tren ace 3x already)

Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week

Week 1-17 letro .30mg e3d
Week 4-15 Prami .25 ed

PCT 15 days after last shot
Week 17-22 Clomid 50/50/40/40/25
Week 17-22 Torem 120/90/60/40/40


Week 1-13 test p 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Tren Ace 480mg/week
Maybe throw in var if I get a chance
I'm currently running 700mg test prop and 350mg tren a per week. Feeling fucking great.

Just make sure you control your e2 properly on higher test and you should be fine.
I think it's a personal preference. I have done both. For me the low test and high tren is the way to go. Easier to control E with low test tren does not aromatase to E so why negate that benefit by running high test? Also Tren pretty much adheres to all receptors and a stronger bond to boot so the test never really gets in to effect anabolism only androgenic. So to me its just a waste of good test. I would take just enough to keep things working and let the tren do the heavy lifting.

Also the risk of prolactin messing with you goes away completely when E is kept in check. Prolactin on its own will not cause lactation or the mammary glands to swell. It is the fluctuation from high to low E that causes this. That's why pregnant women lactate. E production stops after child birth after being crazy high for months. this with the presence of high prolactin causes lactation.

Control E control and there is no need for Caber or Prami.
I think it's a personal preference. I have done both. For me the low test and high tren is the way to go. Easier to control E with low test tren does not aromatase to E so why negate that benefit by running high test? Also Tren pretty much adheres to all receptors and a stronger bond to boot so the test never really gets in to effect anabolism only androgenic. So to me its just a waste of good test. I would take just enough to keep things working and let the tren do the heavy lifting.

Also the risk of prolactin messing with you goes away completely when E is kept in check. Prolactin on its own will not cause lactation or the mammary glands to swell. It is the fluctuation from high to low E that causes this. That's why pregnant women lactate. E production stops after child birth after being crazy high for months. this with the presence of high prolactin causes lactation.

Control E control and there is no need for Caber or Prami.

Sounds good to me man. Shit I definitely try to control the e. I'll buy liquidex instead. Fucken prami man makes me always feel sick and then like wide awake :/. Have you ever added dbol or tbol with that cycle. I've used var. But man its expensive to run
Forsure thanks man. What week are you in?

Sorry bro, just saw this.

Im about to begin week 4 of the test, beginning week 3 of the tren.

Try dosing your prami at night before bed if your getting sides. Use a smaller dose if you can, then increase it slowly. People seem to "adjust" to it over time like this.
The answer to this really depends on how good you are at managing estradiol and how your body responds. I have done it both ways, and do prefer high test, but I watch E2 like a hawk, as well as having a bottle of prami in the fridge just in case.

I see slightly better strength gains from high test, and my muscle bellies tend to be fuller. The one drawback is that if you run both at higher doses, blood pressure WILL become an issue regardless of how well you manage estradiol.

If you have short esters, you can experiment around a bit, increasing your dose slowly. Start at a moderate dose, see how you feel the next week and a half, then give it a 100mg or so bump. Granted, this is less ideal than just starting at a set dose, but it does give you a really good idea what your limits are.

My .02c :)
Sorry bro, just saw this.

Im about to begin week 4 of the test, beginning week 3 of the tren.

Try dosing your prami at night before bed if your getting sides. Use a smaller dose if you can, then increase it slowly. People seem to "adjust" to it over time like this.

I've always used it at night since it made me drowsy then I would wake up 2x a night always :/
I think I'm alright at managing the sides. I've ran tren the highest at 400mg/week for 8 weeks. And test was at 250mg. Best cycle I ran plus I had var. If I'm going to run test higher than it would be with test E at 600mg and tren then at 300mg if tht sounds good since you have a good point about the bp.

Btw bro. Buy cycle assist. Helps with bp and liver and more. My bp on tren was always around 125/76
I'd opt for:

Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week

Dbol is an amazing additive with tren. You definitely will not regret it :) However, i have never ran dbol along high test. I ran it with low test because water becomes too excessive for me. If you can handle the water, than go for it. I did the following:
Test prop 250 ew
Tren ace 700 ew
Dbol 60mg ed
I think I'm alright at managing the sides. I've ran tren the highest at 400mg/week for 8 weeks. And test was at 250mg. Best cycle I ran plus I had var. If I'm going to run test higher than it would be with test E at 600mg and tren then at 300mg if tht sounds good since you have a good point about the bp.

Btw bro. Buy cycle assist. Helps with bp and liver and more. My bp on tren was always around 125/76

Oh yeah, I was referring to much higher doses. I have prescription meds and diuretics to use if things get out of hand. Was more or less a caution if you choose to exceed a gram of each, that's all. :)

I think 600 test and 300 tren should be more than fine. ;)
Yea keeping test dose 1.5-2x higher than tren will help with limp shnitzel hehe. But you have dbol in there, so your test dose could be lowered if desired without harming your shnitzel :)
I'd opt for:

Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week

Dbol is an amazing additive with tren. You definitely will not regret it :) However, i have never ran dbol along high test. I ran it with low test because water becomes too excessive for me. If you can handle the water, than go for it. I did the following:
Test prop 250 ew
Tren ace 700 ew
Dbol 60mg ed

I retain alot of water man haha. If I'll still be able to grab test prop I'll run high tren and low test. Still can't get my hands on dbol. I've tried dbol the shit is awesome!! But I just hate having alot of water retention.
I thought I couldn't get prop. But I could it's test e I can't grab. I only have 1 vial of it left. If anything I would just run that second cycle I choose:

Week 1-13 test p 300mg/week*
Week 1-10 Tren Ace 480mg/week*

would you guys still add dbol to this if I get my hands on it.
its also faked alot with dbol and winnie mix..You really have to have a good source to get the real deal which im sure u did..I think var is the most underrated steroid there is

When I ran it at 80mg ed for 10 weeks and tren ace for 10 weeks at 320mg and prop at 250mg for 12 weeks. I recomp and gained about 12 lbs of solid muscle was at about 198lbs at 6%. The pumps off var were pretty dam intense man. It was Balkan var too