Instruction for 400mg/ml of EQ


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Help to homebrew 400mg/ml of EQ

If I follow the sticky above with the instructions on making EQ, I will come out with 200mg/ml. I would like to up this to 400mg or 600mg/ml. I've read posts about 500mg/ml, but is 600mg/ml possible?

The sticky from above lists:

Equipoise (EQ) for 10 grams of powder (eq is actually liquid at room temp.)

10 grams EQ
41 ml oil
1.5 ml Benzyl Alcohol = 3% BA
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

Do I just double the 10 grams of EQ for 20mg and follow accordingly for 400mg/ml? Or do I need to subtract some oil? If so, how much?

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40g per 100ml of final solution is 400mg/ml.

some of these posts kill me. I am going to honest. if you cant figure this out you dont need to making juice. no harm meant just disbelief.
I couldn't figure it out. I already made my shit though. I guess I do need to be making juice,lol. J/K.
i posted this in another thread after i calmed down.

here's the math.

4g = 4000mg.

4000mg/75mg = 53.33ml @ 75mg/ml

4000mg/100mg = 40ml @ 100mg/ml

so as you can see 53.33ml - 40ml = 13.33ml.

thats how much oil you subtract from final solution to make 100mg instead of 75mg.

now this is for 4g. but this formula works for any amount. you know how much powder you got and what concentration you want in the end product.

by moving the variable around in this formula you can determine fianl volume of solution, amount of hormone needed to make set amount of product at a set concentration. or the potency if you have the total weight of hormone and final volume of product

10th grade algebra. lolololol. no harm meant by any of my comments. you know you can learn math on the net too. there is a wealth of info just waiting to be learned. and the best part is that it is free of charge. No really!! yeah free. Really!!
grafix-gnc said:
i took algebra in 9th grade... loser lol

well actually i did too and took algebra two in the tenth. then analytical geometry in the 11th and calculous in the 12th. then i went to college and had to take calculous again frst semester then integral equations the second semester then i drank my way out of college for a year or so then went back and was in the architectural program and guess what? i drank my out of that too. too drunk to be a mechanical engineer and too drunk to be an architect. lolololol. so now i am a chemist. lololool go figure. makes sense though. too me anyway. course the reason i am here is because i am not all there.
Here's your conversion;

20g of Eq will displace 15ml roughly
You want 400mg/ml

Add 20g of powder to 1.5 ml of BA for 3% Ba and warm. Then add 33.5 mls of oil, heat again and do your filtering and baking. This will be a 50ml final product at 400mg/ml.
Thanks for the info and the ribbing. I am a college graduate and have taken Calc. However, that was over 10 years ago and many brain cells have been destroyed since then. I just didn't want to screw it up and piss my gear down the drain.
Word. The math is the last thing to stick with you from college, scratch that it's the clap.