Insulin(humalog) question

Any insulin experts here? I originally posted this on the sticky about insulin, but got no replies. My question is regarding pre and post workout use of insulin(Humalog). If you were to inject 4 I.U. of humalog 15 min. prior to training, then consume a 80-100gram carb drink, with say 20 grams of whey, possibly creatine and glut as well, would it also be beneficial to take another 4 I.U. of insulin after training, followed by a regular post workout shake of somewhere around 50grams carbs, 50 grams whey, creatine and glut? Or would the glycogen stores already be filled up from the carbs ingested during the workout? I would imagine that if the workout burned off more calories than ingested, one would be allright, but not sure...any thoughts? Also, would it make a difference if the workout was cardio or weights? Sometimes I do 45 mins of high intensity interval cardio, followed by 45 mins. of weights. Thanks bros.
its dangerous to shoot slin before working out, because you are depleteing glycogin stores in your muscle and you can risk going hyperglycemic.
Your blood sugar will drop 20-50 points during the workout too, I'm not an insulin expert which is why I didnt' comment but I know I wouldn't do it.

I can't even say I've heard good results with slin anyhow.
I checked the article forum...was wondering if anyone had any real life experience with it though, I will do some more research and let you guys know how it goes if I give it a shot
bro i have tried the method you're asking about. it sucked. my pumps were good but i didn't have as good of workouts. i just didn't feel very good (headaches, nausa, ect). even when taking in plenty of carbs. i've tried it twice. i feel the best way is postworkout only. i get great results this way.
Going hypo during a leg workout doesn't sound like a very safe idea on many levels. I don't even see the point either.