insulin mix


New member
do you guys every mix the humalog and humilin r together if so what would be the ratio to mix it to will give you better gains if you mix it togerther
It isn't worth messing with. Mixing is mainly for actual diabetics who mix a short acting to get immediate effects with a long acting (12-24 hr) so they are covered all day. Usually done before breakfast after waking so they can eat soon, and then the long acting will be with them through out the day.
I think the best use of humalog and humulin R is separate. For instance, use humulin R in the morning and humalog postworkout.
Why would you ever mix the two unless you're diabetic?!?

I'd keep the Humalog and throw the Humalin R away.
Throw away hum-r? Why would you do that. I prefer hum-r to humalog any day. I like the longer lasting effect, lets me take advantage of two or three good meals while it is active, it is cheaper than humalog, and easier to come by.
im going to more than liely be switching to a mix of both soon. i want the imediate effest from the log post workout and the continued anabolism from the humalin. ill probubly take 10 units log, 8 units humalin.
Bronco have you noticed that hum-r is that slow? It seems to hit fairly quick. What if you just shot it before you finished your work out. Not to nit pick the idea, just cheaper and more convenient to not mix I would think.
well instead of waiting for humulin r to peak in one hour u can shoot the log and let it peak in 15 minutes but itll last for 6-8 hours like the R. I think its a good idea.
i mix, 7 and 7 of each, i like tthe quick peak of humalog, and the anabolic properties of humulin. Worked well when i did it, diet has to be in tune with peaks
Except hum-r peaks in 30 minutes, and is not much slower than humalog, it just lasts in the system a little longer.
Hmm I usually inject IM to get it in faster, but even sub-q I never noticed an hour to wait. Guess I'm just lucky :) Yeah if it takes an hour to notice it then I can see mixing.

Have you ever tried using it mid-workout?
IM absorbtion is not quite as good as sub-Q, and I dont notice a difference with humalog, bith hit in about 15 minutes for me, just stick sub-Q IMO
i def notice humalin to take longer to peak. i plan on doing the log im and the humalin subq. thats why im taking a large total dosage, to compansate for the slight loss of absorbtion with shootin the log im. I was using log mid workout for a while, like 20 mins before i finished. didnt notice much of a difference. I was thinking about using humalin n but desided agaisnt it as i plan on taking slin throughout my whole cycle, not 4 weeks on 4 off like msot do and didnt want my body to be supressed for so long everyday, although i think the chances of it causing any problems are very slin, id rather not take a chance with that.
insulin is all ive ever used. works well weather cutting during wrestling season back in hs or post workout now. i went down to the low 170's when my girl dumped me cause my diet went to shit and i stopped lifting. well jsut today i weighed 202 pounds with no fat gain. so i gained a good 30 pounds of muscle, granted i was around 190 before the whole thing with my ex, so i was jsut rebuilding. i will definetly be including the mix when i start my first cycle wich wil be as soon as my guy sends my shit out.