Insulin only, first cycle.


New member
Starting an insulin-only cycle. First inject was today, went well

3 IU's Humulin-R following workout
20g carbs (rice) preworkout
20g carbs 20g protein (1:1 bar) with injection
40g protein, 5g creatine, 5g arginine shake drank over an hour post inject
20g carbs (rice) 1 hour postworkout

Looking forward to the future while being very cautious in my endeavor

Next pin will be

4 IU's Humulin-R following workout
30g carbs (rice) preworkout
20g carbs 20g protein (1:1 bar) with injection
40g protein, 5g creatine, 5g arginine shake drank over an hour post inject
30g carbs (rice) 1 chicken breast 1 hour postworkout
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Legality issue, as well as I just got burned on SR with an entire cycle worth of orders. Want to bulk over winter before a show next Summer and lost my only reliable (know several seasoned users IRL who were BodyInMotion regulars) source with SR.
To be honest, I wouldn't do it.

Insulin is no joke in terms of health risks, and without any other gear I think you're going to get fat. Just my opinion,
Insulin used alone could get you fat.. also as a first cycle..... I'll be honest, this is absolutely stupid.
could get u more than fat.....u really need to have a comprehensive understanding of insulin and how it acts and reacts to your body and intake.......bad idea IMO.....too easy to find good domestic source to risk messin around with insulin ......make mistakes on a test cycle=possible testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), make mistakes on insulin cycle=possible death

just sayin
The main reason people use insulin is because of the synergy it has when coupled with AAS and HGH, using it alone is like ordering a BLT and asking them to hold the Lettuce and tomato. Just ain't the same. Sure you will see minimal results from it but I think your not gonna be happy with the results. There are so many sources out there no matter where your located that provide quality gear why not get with another source and do it right.
Secondly with your intake schedule you are definitely not maximizing the nutrient shuttling of the insulin the way you are doing it. Humilin R has a 4-6 hour window where you should be maximizing your intake if your gonna do it right. Your shake with protein, creatine should include fast acting carbs like dextrose or waxy maize as well as bcaas and be done post injection. Drop the bars and eat some real food. Thats the whole concept of insulin eat and get the proper nutrients in your system so that the drug shines and shuttles them to the proper places and if your not feeding your body properly when using it then why use it.

This shit is no for the faint at heart and and is very dangerous when not done right, from what you have posted so far you need more research and shouldn't be running it. Then again its your body and your life to do as you please we can only give you advice from an experienced point of view so take it as you like.
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