INSULIN questions "scientist may be needed"!


New member
Ok, gonna just put all my questions in this thread (all regarding insulin). I am type 1 diabetic so keep this in mind while reading.

1. Hypothetically, if I eat a mean HIGH in protein/creatine and NO carbs, my blood sugar will NOT go up, so I will NOT require any insulin. Does this mean I wasted the protein and creatine? Is insulin neccassry to deliver it to muscles?

2. While most say eat 6 meals a day, should they all include carbs? If so, wouldnt that be bad since that would cause insulin spikes all the time? I have read on Ironaddicts, that when insulin is present fat loss is basically impossilble? S

3. People keep saying, "Dude being Diabetic is NOT a disadvantage, and that I have the advanteage of being able to manipulate insulin realease and what not". What would be a good protocol on when to take it? I know POST workout is a good idea for nutrient uptake but when should I NOT take it and when SHOULD I for bb'ing purposes.
Ok, gonna just put all my questions in this thread (all regarding insulin). I am type 1 diabetic so keep this in mind while reading.

1. Hypothetically, if I eat a mean HIGH in protein/creatine and NO carbs, my blood sugar will NOT go up, so I will NOT require any insulin. Does this mean I wasted the protein and creatine? Is insulin neccassry to deliver it to muscles?

It is necessary to drive nutrients including protein into cells

2. While most say eat 6 meals a day, should they all include carbs? If so, wouldnt that be bad since that would cause insulin spikes all the time? I have read on Ironaddicts, that when insulin is present fat loss is basically impossilble? S

glucagon has opposite metabolic activity of insulin, it stimulates release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. In that sense it is difficult to metabolize fat stores and use as energy when insulin is spiked all the time. For this reason I would include 2 or 3 carb deficient feedings

3. People keep saying, "Dude being Diabetic is NOT a disadvantage, and that I have the advanteage of being able to manipulate insulin realease and what not". What would be a good protocol on when to take it? I know POST workout is a good idea for nutrient uptake but when should I NOT take it and when SHOULD I for bb'ing purposes.

Being diabetic will make things more complicated. If you are type I then you should have a pretty good idea of how your body responds to nutrients and what your insulin requirement is.

You need to take insulin to keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. If they are high you need insulin so I would not look at it like when should you not take insulin. You take it when you need it based on your accucheck results.

I would talk with your endocrinologist about some of these questions. They should have some good input maybe not from bodybuilding standpoint but just from a metabolic standpoint.
Ok, gonna just put all my questions in this thread (all regarding insulin). I am type 1 diabetic so keep this in mind while reading.

1. Hypothetically, if I eat a mean HIGH in protein/creatine and NO carbs, my blood sugar will NOT go up, so I will NOT require any insulin. Does this mean I wasted the protein and creatine? Is insulin neccassry to deliver it to muscles?

No, the protein and creatine is is absorbed at different stages through digestion. The whole theory of taking your protein and creatine (or anything else for that matter) is the absorbtion rate. When you spike your insuline it shuttles all the nutrients into the cells of your muscles almost immediately. You need this after a workout when your body needs to repair itself. The faster you get glucose and protein into the cells the better.

you didnt waste the protein and creatine, its just getting absorbed slower and possibly not efficiently. IE, you could be pissing some of it out.

2. While most say eat 6 meals a day, should they all include carbs? If so, wouldnt that be bad since that would cause insulin spikes all the time? I have read on Ironaddicts, that when insulin is present fat loss is basically impossilble?

Generally no. For MOST people, you want Carbs and protein for breakfast, Pre workout and post workout. Then the other 2-3 Meals should be Protein and Fat.

Everyone is a little different though so this can be tweaked from person to person.

The second part of the question is pretty entailed. basically When your insulin is spiked, you are in "storing" mode, not burning mode.

3. People keep saying, "Dude being Diabetic is NOT a disadvantage, and that I have the advanteage of being able to manipulate insulin realease and what not". What would be a good protocol on when to take it? I know POST workout is a good idea for nutrient uptake but when should I NOT take it and when SHOULD I for bb'ing purposes.

I dont give advice on when and how to take slin...

in red...

EDIT, nate got in before me...
My answers were below the questions in the grey area i guess i fucked up the bold or whatever.

I will add that one of the reasons you are at a disadvantage is that sugar/carbs are not the only thing that stimulate insulin dump from the pancreas in normal people. Amino acids from ingested protein also will cause insulin release. You do not have this response and diabetics typically don't dose insulin based on circulating amino acid levels.

I agree with ms1605 that you are not wasting the creatine and protein if taken without insulin but you are at a significant disadvandage with respect to your body efficiently getting nutrients into the cells, not just out of the digestive tract, really doesn't have much effect there.
You got a scientest workn for you right there heed.
A buddy in college Doug B. was one of the biggest, strongest, thickest bbdrs I ve ever hung with..but alas he abused his slin and I lost count of the times I d find his great big ass in a diabetic coma where we d have to put jelly and such in his mouth to revive him.
A couple guys at my gym are running slin to get bigger...and they are not nowhere near ready for this.
I really wish you well my your god health...:wavey: