Insulin ?


New member
As I was just doing my 8iu of slin before eating, I was wondering, since slin increase the uptake of nutrients from food, if one took a mutivit, cla, glucosamine, dbol, t3 or anything oral along them lines, would the food/slin combo with the oral increase the uptake of the orals as well ???

i asked about this last week. basicaly no. macronutrients that your body stores in cells will have an increase in uptake. so fat, carbs, protein will have better absorbtion. also creatine and glutamine. not sure of any other interactions. but with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) it is not stored in the cell, rather attaches to the ar so slin wont do shit for that.
i think we should change the name of the site to insulinology. seems every other thread here is on it

LOL...glad to hear I am not the only big fan of slin..


bronco944 said:
i think we should change the name of the site to insulinology. seems every other thread here is on it