Interesting blood work results.


New member
Today I got some labs in.
First comment I will say is RUI's T3 is every bit as strong as they advertise. Heh.

So my Total Testosterone is 626 ng/dL. Protocol is 60mg T.CYP every other day. Fatigue is still present and pretty bad. Was wondering what your guys thoughs were about pushing it up to 100mg eod for two weeks to see how I feel. Since ive been using TB syringes I have left over test from not losing so much per injection. Should I try it or not? I aslo take 200IU of hcg every 4 days, but i could mess around with that too.
what was your estrogen at , what about cortisol levels, any nutrient deficiencies, what was your hemoglobin and hematocrit at ?

I'm guessing fatigue is NOT a factor with your testosterone dosage and don't think raising it up would make a difference . I'd look at other factors contributing to the fatigue.
I had that about that same dosage on TRT 200mg a week with the same blood test levels. I also had fatigue and hypersomnia while on it. Had my E2 checked and it was too high. Went on an AI and my E2 dropped to 20 and fatigue went away. Also brought my test level from 700 up to 1000
The closest labcorp or quest is 4 hours from me if I order the sensitive e2 test from ARUP then my doc will know if my E2 is high then it complicates things.
The only E2 test i can order privately is the immunoassay and its 75 bucks. To get the sensitive e2 test my doc has to order it though ARUP, but then he gets the results. If it comes back high he will lower my test. Last time it happened and i had a high e2 immunoassay test i talked him into retesting in a few weeks after i had gotten some dex from RUI. The next e2 immunoassay test came back low so i was good 2 go. This saturday I will make the trip and get it done. I have to get a reverse t3 test done too. I was supposed to vacation in arizona and where i was staying has a labcorp and a quest within walking distance but that fell though. My only other option is ordering a saliva kit. but blah i know where you guys stand on that.
he wont prescribe an AI or hCG. i got both though other means. Its kind of a nice deal, he doesnt bother me anymore and he keeps renewing my scripts for 400mg/2weeks.
he wont prescribe an AI or hCG. i got both though other means. Its kind of a nice deal, he doesnt bother me anymore and he keeps renewing my scripts for 400mg/2weeks.

210mg of test a week only gets you to 600+ ng/dl test levels. you may not even need an AI (or are you just taking one to keep your Estrogen on the low end so that the doc does not lower your test?). also , your Estrogen may of been high on your last bloods doc took due to you taking HCG, which increases aromatization.

you plan on being on TRT for life? why do you take the HCG?

maybe drop the AI and drop the HCG . let the natural processes of aromatization of your standard TRT protocol take place. maybe you'll feel better and not be lethargic . maybe your taking too much AI and E is too low and you feel like crap
just some thoughts
I have not been taking an AI, and only take 200 IU of hCG every 4 days just to keep my balls from getting tiny. I was reading that some guys do not break down the oil in testosterone very well, kinda wondering if im one of those guys.
I have not been taking an AI, and only take 200 IU of hCG every 4 days just to keep my balls from getting tiny. I was reading that some guys do not break down the oil in testosterone very well, kinda wondering if im one of those guys.

the smaller your balls get , the bigger your dick will look , embrace it ;)

you may be one of those guys that would do better with a shorter ester like test prop . may be a good idea to switch if your injecting EOD anyways
I was wondering about that, trying prop out. I got 16ml of cyp to burn up, plus another renew at the end of January. Something to think about tho. I suppose your right about smaller balls. They just get in the way all the time. :))
I would keep taking hCG. I did TRT without it at first and I definitely prefer if with hCG. Sex is much better with hCG included in your TRT protocol.
I would keep taking hCG. I did TRT without it at first and I definitely prefer if with hCG. Sex is much better with hCG included in your TRT protocol.

curious how so ? just a bigger 'happy ending' , or what ??

I was on HCG the first couple years of my TRT . when I decided to stop taking it I noticed my back acne got better and I looked less bloated . so I never went back to taking it . but heck, maybe I'm missing something in the sex department now
I guess i dont notice much from the hCG sex wise. I notice more of a difference from taking 5mg of cialis daily.
curious how so ? just a bigger 'happy ending' , or what ??

I was on HCG the first couple years of my TRT . when I decided to stop taking it I noticed my back acne got better and I looked less bloated . so I never went back to taking it . but heck, maybe I'm missing something in the sex department now

Testicles are bigger and more sensitive to pleasure. Much bigger loads when I cum which definitely feels better and lasts longer. I won't go off it.

I take cialis too. 5mg daily.