interesting post on hgh timing


mPUA "el diablo"
read this on AR by Redbaron

The problem we will always have with subjects such as this is that everyone's body runs just a little different. As JohnnyB mentioned, it is pretty difficult to time with precision when the liver is going to secrete IGF-1. That being the case, unless we have some definitive monitoring device to verify the timing of that release, it is going to be even more difficult to time our HGH injections using this as a criteria.

There is no question that waking up at 3-4 a.m. and giving yourself an injection has a lot of merit. I did this for about 10 months while I was using Genotropin Mini-Quick .8mg HGH. No question about it working well. The next best time to inject is first thing in the morning before you ever get dressed. These two times are going to offer the least chance of disrupting your own HGH cycle .... but as I said, everyone runs a little different so we are really making some general observations.

Realize that there are about 8-10 pulses of HGH throughout the day ... not ONLY the one at night. The thing is the chemical and hormonal conditions of the body at night are conducive to a major release of HGH. Other times you will see a MAJOR release of HGH is during short duration, HIGH intensity working out. If you have ever experienced a REALLY intense leg day workout the nauseous feeling and tiredness that follows is many times the result of a big endogenous HGH dump into your system. HGH is going to work for you for the most part whenever it is released into you system.

The reasoning behind a night-time injection would make a LOT of sense for someone with low / no natural HGH. This would most closely mimic the body's own cycle. For those of us with a normal / high natural output, night-time injections are a bit more complex issue. The thought behind the normal early morning - early afternoon injections is because these are times when your body's cortisol levels are high, and HGH can assist in minimizing its potential for catabolism. Also these are times that offer a greater likelihood of not interfering with a great number of natural pulses of endogenous HGH (though certainly no guarantee because of some of the variables discussed here).

So ..... I think about as close as anyone could come to a consensus would be to say .... If you are the type of person that routinely gets up to go to the bathroom in the early morning hours, that is a PERFECT time to take an HGH injection. If you aren't, next best is going to be the second you wake up. If you are taking two injections per day, there are a few scenarios that would make sense, such as (roughly most desirable to lesser):

injection one at 2-3 a.m. at bathroom break, number two at 8-9 a.m. upon waking
injection one at 2-3 a.m. at bathroom break, number two at 1-2 p.m.
injection one at 7-9 a.m., number two at 1-2 p.m.

If your natural HGH production is non-existant -
injection one at bedtime, injection two first thing upon waking
injection one at bedtime, injection two 1-2 p.m.

Again, all of these are general observations, there are always exceptions to every case, and there are so many variables (length of cycle, dose, general goals, body's own output, other components of cycle, etc., etc.)
Good post.....that's what I've always said, unless you are naturally HGH deficient, night time injects do not make sense.
I liked the post where they did a study on HGH in HGH deficient kids. Taking HGH every other day. Someone should try this and see how well it works, compared to every day injections.
Tnx for this great info.
I Haven't worked out in 5 years, and getting back soon, so just checking if I decide to go with hgh , how long I need to hit the gym before I can start ?