InterLeukin - 15


New member
I know this does not pertain to bodybuilding but i was wondering if someone could explain this stuff to me... i may need to go on it for my leukemia....buffdoc or anyone else hook a sick brother up with some info.
Interleukin's are used to boost ones immune system to fight life threatning diseases. Like for Hep-C, Cancer ect....I do know there are many types of IL agents. I see no reason where IL play a role for BB.
medical doctor said:
Interleukin's are used to boost ones immune system to fight life threatning diseases. Like for Hep-C, Cancer ect....I do know there are many types of IL agents. I see no reason where IL play a role for BB.

Cause natty has leukemia :(
Interleukin-15 (IL-15) induces killer T-cell and LAK cell proliferation (growth of the “good guys” that seek out and destroy problematic cells) as it also promotes cell survival of human T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and neutrophils (preservation of the other “good guys”).

Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a potent immunoregulatory cytokine (definition below) produced by a variety of cell types including monocytes and epithelial cells. This T cell growth factor can enhance the cytolytic (cell dissolving) activity of antigen-specific T cells and lymphokine-activated killer cells.

Natty (I'm sure you will be seeing this word a lot, so a good explanation will help you establish a baseline comprehension for what the hell is going on)

Cytokines such as interleukins (IL), colony stimulating factors (CSF), tumor necrosis factors (TNF), and interferons (IFN) constitute a complex network of small, secreted protein mediators which act on cells at hormonal concentrations through high-affinity receptors. They represent the elements (the vocabulary) of a communication system between cells involved in the inflammatory reaction and many target tissues such as the vessel wall, the liver, the bone marrow, and the central nervous system (3). Communication may occur at very short distance between two cells that are attached to each other, at moderate distance within a small tissue area or even at long distance, acting systemically throughout the entire organism. The longdistance effects mainly occur under extreme situations, the majority of immune responses being rather local than systemic (2). The physiological importance of cytokines is comparable to that of other signalling systems such as neurotransmitters and endocrine hormones.
Since the discovery of IL-2 in 1976 (1, 4), a whole range of immunologically active cytokines have been discovered, which are essential for many proliferative and differential functions of immune cells. The majority of cytokines have a variety of effects on many different cells. There is also considerable functional overlap, nevertheless individual cytokines act distinctively, sometimes synergistic, sometimes antagonistic to each other. Further regulation is provided by the synthesis of subsets of cytokines by different cells. Characteristic sets of cytokines are produced by macrophages, B cells, T cells, granulocytes and several other cell types. Thus, cytokines interact in complexity and represent a very sophisticated and versatile communication network that is essential for the immune system to master the various defence strategies.
Yeah, I read about it about 4 years ago in MuscleMag International.... they claimed that it was anabolic as hell and when stacked with hard steroids like drol and dbol it could put on A LOT OF SIZE. I knew one guy who experimented with it, but I did not see these changes. In fact, not even close. Zulak over at Musclemag likes to exagerate sometimes I think.... anywho thats what I know about it. Take it if you need to for medical, but I would'nt bother for Bodybuilding. NOt enough known about it yet anyway... for our purposes at least.