intermittent fasting


New member
Just thought I'd share, month #1 ends today, lost a total of 27lbs thus far, I'm loving this, I'm not making any muscle gains at the moment, but my muscles were already pretty big, and I have not lost any muscle mass, but I'm getting lean as fok
What's your fasting schedule? I need it but it goes against my anabolic sensibilities. I'm not cutting ATM, but a buddy mentioned he does this frequently to great success.
sounds interesting, i remember one of your earlier posts about this same goal of leaning without loosing mass

can you talk more about the intermittent fasting ?? thanks
What's your fasting schedule? I need it but it goes against my anabolic sensibilities. I'm not cutting ATM, but a buddy mentioned he does this frequently to great success.
my eating window is from 6-10pm this works perfect w my school/work schedule. soon as i get home, i eat, train early in the mornings, on empty stomach, and i have to say i dont notice a diff whatsoever from being fed, to being on empty stomach while lifiting, and i must say i lift pretty intensely. any more questions feel free to ask!!!
sounds interesting, i remember one of your earlier posts about this same goal of leaning without loosing mass

can you talk more about the intermittent fasting ?? thanks

well, i dont know much other than u fast anywhere from 16-24 hours, i do a 20 hr fast everyday, exept on sun/mon meaning sunday from 6pm to mon 6pm i dont eat which is 24hrs thats all i know lol
How are your energy levels through out the day and are you eating clean at that time of night?
How are your energy levels through out the day and are you eating clean at that time of night?

I am pretty tired, yawning a lot, and yes all I eat is chicken beef fish rice eggs and avocados, at times ill crave carbs and ill have a bowl of special k with soy milk cheat on Sundays, but still within my winder
I am pretty tired, yawning a lot, and yes all I eat is chicken beef fish rice eggs and avocados, at times ill crave carbs and ill have a bowl of special k with soy milk cheat on Sundays, but still within my winder
Well, ur eating clean which is great. I am as well, w a nutritionalists coaching (3j). I'm learning a lot about what works for me. U may want to consider a nutritionalist as well, they can help with how much and when to eat...efficiency was key for more guess work...not expensiveeither (a steal if it works AND you learn how to properly refuel...knowledge for life)
I herd you can bulk on that Diet too. Just eat a shit load of food within that timing window.
Well, u still need to eat ur macros for the day, the thing isn't to starve urself, but to not eat all day long and allow ur body to rely on ur fat stores for energy , and u can absolutely bulk, Juat eat the needed cals during ur feeding window
I do IF as well and it rocks because it fits my schedule. I think a lot of us was doing a form of IF in highschool. I never ate breakfast and my first meal was 12pm lunch and dinner at home at 6pm.
I herd you can bulk on that Diet too. Just eat a shit load of food within that timing window.

Yes, a little. Wasn't expecting any gains during this process, but been keeping track...definite strength gains..a little bulking in legs and chest
Yes, a little. Wasn't expecting any gains during this process, but been keeping track...definite strength gains..a little bulking in legs and chest

oh yeah u will see some gains, ur still eating, jjust not on the 6 meal a day regimen, man i love this.
Newer around here but have been doing IF since 2011. It works, bulking cutting, recomp, whatever. I have converted another over to it as well, he cut down to single digits and is now bulking. First time in his life he has been able to gain weight and keep it. I am about to cycle and really wrestling with how to eat while doing so, IF kept me from cycling for quite awhile as I got closer to what I felt were my natural limits.

Newer around here but have been doing IF since 2011. It works, bulking cutting, recomp, whatever. I have converted another over to it as well, he cut down to single digits and is now bulking. First time in his life he has been able to gain weight and keep it. I am about to cycle and really wrestling with how to eat while doing so, IF kept me from cycling for quite awhile as I got closer to what I felt were my natural limits.


question, did you ever hit a plateau??, i eat clean all week, my weight fluctuates between 2-5 lbs , sat and sun i EAT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, within my window of course, i have been doing 20 hrs, and 24 on /mon so i eat crazy /sat/sun stop eating at 6, and resume eating 6pm mon, any advice to break the plat?
You've really got me interested about this now. Turns out that I've been doing something very similar to this without knowing it, and seeings results much faster than I expected. After reading into it a bit more, I am convinced I could fine-tune my schedule to really get the most out of it.

Are you just basically doing IIFYM dieting, except only eating during your feeding window? Is whey protein considered bad to drink outside of the feeding window?
You've really got me interested about this now. Turns out that I've been doing something very similar to this without knowing it, and seeings results much faster than I expected. After reading into it a bit more, I am convinced I could fine-tune my schedule to really get the most out of it.

Are you just basically doing IIFYM dieting, except only eating during your feeding window? Is whey protein considered bad to drink outside of the feeding window?

no calories areto be consumed during the window, 10-20 cals maxx at any given time, so whey would be breaking the fast.