Introduction of a Newbie in Arkansas


New member
Coming by to introduce myself. i am about to be 41 years old and recently divorced after 22 years of marriage (havent worked out in 6 months and my head is on straight now). I have worked out for many a years and have been fighting for the past 8 years (olympic style taekwondo). I have done regular lifting for years, cadio for my fights, body pump for a change, and Yoga. I have done Crossfit for past 2 years (cant afford it now), black belt in Olympic style taekwondo.

I am 6'3 and 215 lbs. since my divorce its a softer 215 lol. I have used some juice to help me out in the past 1 1/2 years (remember I haven't worked out in 6 months)Ran hgh for a little over 6 months, then switched to test prop (2 cycles and love how it makes me feel young and vibrant again). Since I have quit doing Crossfit (6 mths ago) I notice shoulder is killing me(figure something I did at Crossfit as it is a lot of upper body workouts), so will just be doing regular lifting and cardio again. I recently got more test cyp in Nd have done two pins (do have some questions if I can pm somebody at a later point? ) oh, my diet is okay

I don't have a lot of useful information to give out (not unless about fighting) so, I will be a sponge!!!
