IPT-141 is doing nothing for me, what am I doing wrong


New member
I started out using .5mg got nothing, then 1.0mg and nothing, I'll tryi 1.5 tonight maybe that will work. Any reason why it may not be working
There is a small segment that seem to not respond to it. Try it at 1.5mg and see how it goes. Much like a very small % dont respond to it there is also a very small % that require a higher dose than most for its effects to kick in. When I take it I cant NOT think about sex. It dominates my thoughts almost entirely.
There is also the possibility that you got bunk pt141 depending on your source. I rely on RUI stuff and it has consistantly worked every time for me.
I got mine form RUI and they have never sent me anything bunk in the years that i have purchased from them. Hopefully i just need a higher dosage
I got mine form RUI and they have never sent me anything bunk in the years that i have purchased from them. Hopefully i just need a higher dosage

Yeah hopefully 1.5mg will do it for you. Thats where I am at with it. 1-1.5mg. Keep us posted. Id hate for you to be one of those that ipt just doesn't do anything for. Its a fun compound.
Thats the thing with this type of compound. When it works for you it is so hard to imagine someone taking it at the dose you use and having it not do anything. The psychological effects of this are sso strong that I cany keep myself from thinking of sex when I take it. Its like I am obsessed and to hear someone take as much as me and get zero effects just is hard to grasp you know. I mean I know it very legitimate dont get me wrong, I am in no way questioning you. just pointing out with a psychological compound like this its hard to grasp it not doing for you what it does for me.