shold I use steroids for muscles mass or there is other ways im new to this


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my body pic link . My phone can't post a pic . No idea why so here is the link above .

im an 20 years old guy I started going to gym a year and half or 2 years actually the first year and half I only got 5kg of muscles . Now im using creatine I went from 58kg to 67kg in 6 months but the last 2 month my muscles are growing really slow and im eating alot . I don't know whats wrong please help .. my confident is really low coz im skinny im 178cm and 67kg now .. I really start thinking if taking steroid . So please give me advice if I can put more mass in other ways or tell me what kind of steroid I should use and how to. just to make it to 75kg .My program is a muscle for every day . Its Monday =chest . Tuesday =back . Wednesday =arms . Thursday =shoulders . Friday =legs i do 7 to 8 exercises each that's why . And im tired all the time and have a headache i went to the doctor he say im fine so i have no idea why although im drinking lots of water . Like 12c or 15c a day . And i started taking creatin 6g a day for the last months before i use to take 4 or 3 . And im afraid if i stopped taking it i will lose the muscles . After all creaton is the reason i put muscle
Thank you
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Welcome man !

Give us a layout of your diet and training program in order for people to give the best advice possible.

I'm actually only 28 months into my fitness journey and our stats are exactly alike. I'm 179cm started out weighing 56 kg and I currently sit at 87kg and I have yet to introduce AAS into my system.

So the answer to your question is you can put on a lot more mass without doing roids. You just need to get on top of your diet and training.

I forget to say that you may think you eat a lot but if you weighed your food you would find out that you really doesn't eat that much. And if that isn't the case you still have to eat more. I'm a skinny boy with a small appetite and I'm sorry to say but I often force feed the last one or two meals to hit my 4000 calories.
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Welcome man !

Give us a layout of your diet and training program in order for people to give the best advice possible.

I'm actually only 28 months into my fitness journey and our stats are exactly alike. I'm 179cm started out weighing 56 kg and I currently sit at 87kg and I have yet to introduce AAS into my system.

So the answer to your question is you can put on a lot more mass without doing roids. You just need to get on top of your diet and training.

Great advice bro. Yea danishe is correct at 20 years old and being fairly new to the game you can make lots of gains natty. At 20 years old your natural test it sky high so the gains are there to be made. Even with gear diet is 70% of the equation. Post your diet and training and I or another member will help you with It and get you growing. Being 20 you want to build a strong base and you can have a very impressive physique. At your age the last thing you want to do is start aas.
OP, everyone here is going to tell you to wait till you're 25. It sounds like you've already made some good gains you just hit a plateau. Adjust your diet and training, a lot of beginners get stuck in the same old training routine day in and day out, mix it up a bit and change some things around and get strict on your diet and you will break through that plateau. You have a lot of good years with your own natural test production, get everything out of it that you can before turning to aas!!
My training program is . Monday=chest . Tuesday=back . Wednesday=arms . Thursday=shoulders . Friday=legs . I do a muscle every day coz I do 6 to 8 exercises to each one . But the problem is im always tired and no idea why . And I have a headache I went to the doctor he says im fine . But a month ago I was fine but I keept taking creatine I take 6g a day maybe that's the problem but im afraid if I stopped taking it I will lose the muscles I got from it View attachment 565192View attachment 565192
I don't know if my first reply was send but my program is a muscle for every day . Start with chest then back then arms then shoulder then legs . Coz im doing 7 to 8 exercises each . And im tired all the time with a headache although I drink lots of water . I went to the doctor he said im fine so I have no idea why . But I take creation 6g a day im taking it for 3 months now . And im afraid if I stop taking it I will lose the muscles .After all creation is the reason I put the muscles
come back in 6 years OP and stop trying to post over and over again when you dont see your post.
I don't know if my first reply was send but my program is a muscle for every day . Start with chest then back then arms then shoulder then legs . Coz im doing 7 to 8 exercises each . And im tired all the time with a headache although I drink lots of water . I went to the doctor he said im fine so I have no idea why . But I take creation 6g a day im taking it for 3 months now . And im afraid if I stop taking it I will lose the muscles .After all creation is the reason I put the muscles

Of course you are tired all the time that's what overtraining will do to you. 7-8 exercises is way to much use 4 or 5 for major body parts and switch it up.

Second of all your split is way off if your are trying to maximize gains as a natty. Protein synthesis will go on for a maximum of 48 hours after you finish your workout and therefore you should switch your program to the point where you hit every body part twice a week.

And no Creatine is not the reason you put on muscle. Creatine makes you retain water and therefore you should be able to handle more weight/reps which then will aid in building muscle.

But if all you want is steroid advice you came to the wrong place taking your age in consideration.
Get some beefadrol, as it's really anabolic. Some veggies with rice and potatoes next to complement the other. I'd back off the training sets a little and get more rest. You grow as u you sleep
And, just in case nobody's told you, you have a pretty impressive physique as it is.... well done so far. If you can implement some of the changes suggested above, you clearly have the genetics to continue to build a great body without AAS. Save them for when you're 40 :)
Im sorry but my phone is not showing even after refreshing . Thank you for letting me know about tje rules
Thank you . Im gonna try make 2 muscles each day with 4 exercises max to each one and gonna be more focus on my diet . I'll keep u guys update