Iron Flex Supplements M-BOL 25 6 week log


Hello all, I would like to start off thanking ironflex for choosing me to run a log of this compound.

for those of you who dont know, m-bol 25 contains 4-chloro-methyl-testosterone, aka, methyl clostebol.

this is a compound similar to oral turinabol (4-chloro-methyl bolenone) but differs by not having the 1-ene alteration.

I have ran hdrol (chlorodehydromethylandrostenediol), pmag (chloromethylandrostenediol), and tbol in the past, as well as having ran the (on paper) holy grail of steroids, 11-oxo-4-chloro-methyl-testosterone (11-oxo-methyl clostebol) at a significant dosage of 52.5-75mg (it was in 7.5mg tabs from spectraforce)


I train tuesday-saturday, workouts vary between intense activities such as pushing the prowler & flipping tires, olympic lifting, to body building.

i have some starting photo's....



i'd like to put on 5lbs or so of lean mass, so we'll see.

my current stats are 174lb, 13% total body fat (internal and subcutaneous) with my 7 site skin fold being 10.5% (measurments taken at the begining of this month.

I try to get moderate cardio 2-3 times per week, with 2 of those sessions focusing on fat loss, and the 3rd focussing on conditioning.

it's my current goal to flat bench & incline bench with 100lb dumbells, so thats ultimately what i'll be hoping to do.

also on the prowler (sled), i've pushed 18 45lb plates (810lbs) for 20 meters, so it's my goal to get 22 plates, which would put me over 1,000lbs (counting the 70lbs for the prowler)

I also am working on balance training, so i've gotten to where I can stand up and quater squat on the physio ball, but would like to do more stuff as well, such as battle ropes, or kb swing while standing on the physio ball.

lets get it started!
I took my first dose of 50mg last night, and about 45min after, I felt the surge in my blood pressure, which is the same spike i get when using oral methylated steroids, so right off the bat, this does contain a steroid. looking forward to what the comming weeks bring.
was going to do 50mg in the am, and another 25 later in the day, but the 50 spikes my bp too much, so im going to go with 25mg 3 times per day.

i've been seeing reports of mechabol from another company, being used at 100-150mg, saying 125 is the sweet spot.

I've never needed to go over 75mg of hd, or 60mg when i used tbol. I find this interesting, but if i do, i shoudl have enough to go high.

i think people forget what kind of compound this is, as it isn't sd, epi, dbol etc. tbol and methyl clostebol are slower, quality lean mass builders.
will begin using 75mg tomarrow, chest/pull.

i say pull because it's back exercises, but not a back workout, we just use it as our active rest ( bw pull ups, light rows, pull overs etc)
Following. Always interested in quality lean-mass builders. Good luck.

EDIT: Just out of curiosity, what kind of post cycle therapy (pct) are you going to run? Support supps?
pct will be nolva 20mg e/d for 4 weeks, stacked with natty t-booster.

i will begin using topical formestane (bps formasurge) week 3 of pct.

support supps are cycle assist from cel, and liver assist xt from sns.
got a good workout in yesterday. was feeling a bit run down, and non energetic.

i thought it might be from the mbol, but as im not the only one at work feeling this way. it was a rough month, with yesterday being closeout.

need a weekend to relax and start fresh instead of worrying about sales an shit.

getting thirsty as hell, tells me it's starting to work.

got a 600g tub of creatine mono and tub of citruline malate (sns) yesterday, so will be adding that into my supp regimine.
Legs today

10min warm up on the treadmill

back squats to start,

with warm up of 12 reps
6 sets x 3 reps

3x12 hack squat
3x15 single leg, leg press
3x20 single leg, leg extension
3x8 romanian dead lift
3x15 single leg, lying leg extension
3x10 single leg, seated leg extension
4x12 single leg, standing calf press
2x20 seated calf press
back yesterday, good day, went too light i think, not sore. well, traps are, but thats it.

pendlay rows 3x10
pull ups 3x8,8,6
seated cble row 3x10
Lat pull down 3x10
d/b shrug 3x8,8,16
neutral grp pull down 3x10
reverse fly 3x10
lateral raise 3x10

havn't done that particular program in a while, so wasn't sure what weights to go with, will re adjust it next week. good strength/control though from the last time i did it.
chest/bi's today, pump was nice, few co workers were like, holy shiit, you've got a massive pump going on! told em it was the creatine.
I'm thinking I respond better to 4chloro dehydro's such as hdrol and tbol.

going to bump it up to 125mg this week. it'll be the 3rd week, so hopefully it'll begin to work it's magic.
Did u purchase m-bol from orbitnutrition

i did purchase a bottle from orbit.

ironflex sent me 2 bottles, which i didn't know until i recieved them, so now i have three, which is good cause im thinking the dosage for me will need to be bumped up.
i've got a 5k on thanksgiving, and another on new years day.

going to be doing one with my wife on dec first, but i'll be walking that one, cause the misses isn't going to run.
bumped dosage to 150mg (50mg dosed 3x/day)

didn't get a workout in, d/t having a client come in during my w/o time, but def felt the spike in bp. dropped a few lb's over the weekend. time to up the kcals.