Is 130/88 blood pressure something to worry about during my cycle


New member
Started my cycle a week ago,
12 week cycle
Prop 100 eod
Tren 50 eod 1st 8 weeks
Var 50 ed last 8 weeks
Dex eod
First 4 days bp was 110-120/70-80
Last 3 days 120-140/high 80s-low 90s
Should i worry? Or is it normal bp during cycle?

I take ironmag advanced cycle support.
Fish oil
2 gallons of water
And im starting a natural remedy for bp.
Garlic. Ginger.lemon.honey. i tbs on empty stomach ed on empty stomach.
What else do you recomend??
Started my cycle a week ago,
Dex eod
First 4 days bp was 110-120/70-80
Last 3 days 120-140/high 80s-low 90s
Should i worry? Or is it normal bp during cycle?

Listen my BP ,many time run up to 140 /85-90 My doc has never thought anything about it as I have never had a problem. The 90's is not very good,. Mine goes up due to my stress , anxiety and temper.

AS long as it doesn't stay up that high I would not worry. However it would be a big concern if it stayed for any length of time.

Now mine has stayed for long periods at 130/80 and never a bother , It should not concern you if under 80 or under.

How is your E2? ALso why not give us your age, or did I miss that?

PS: 5th cycle in what length of time frame?
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Try 2-3000 mg of L-Arginine daily that should help with the bp. Also the bp guidelines in the usa are a little extreme. Other nations have higher guidelines with far less heart attacks. Unfortunately in the states big pharma runs pretty much everything to do with the medical field. So if you lower the acceptable bp guidelines fortunately there's a pill you can take that makes big pharma hundreds of millions of dollars.

Those numbers are nothing to stress about.
Listen my BP ,many time run up to 140 /85-90 My doc has never thought anything about it as I have never had a problem. The 90's is not very good,. Mine goes up due to my stress , anxiety and temper.

AS long as it doesn't stay up that high I would not worry. However it would be a big concern if it stayed for any length of time.

Now mine has stayed for long periods at 130/80 and never a bother , It should not concern you if under 80 or under.

How is your E2? ALso why not give us your age, or did I miss that?

PS: 5th cycle in what length of time frame?
Sorry. Im 36
Dex .5 eod
12 weeks always
Update. Bp is been normal last 2 days. Started taking a clover of garlic with honey every morning. And when my bp is high a quick fix that works amazingly is cucumber and lemon juice. Wow i was 140/92 after drinking this juice went down to 129/80. Crazy
Update. Bp is been normal last 2 days. Started taking a clover of garlic with honey every morning. And when my bp is high a quick fix that works amazingly is cucumber and lemon juice. Wow i was 140/92 after drinking this juice went down to 129/80. Crazy

Hey good for you buddy. Keep doing what works.

Keep us updated. We want you well.
Update. Bp is been normal last 2 days. Started taking a clover of garlic with honey every morning. And when my bp is high a quick fix that works amazingly is cucumber and lemon juice. Wow i was 140/92 after drinking this juice went down to 129/80. Crazy

That's interesting. I'm gonna have to remember that. Right now I take a 20 mg cialis every 3rd day and it stays low 120's and between 75-88
Thanks brother. Ill go that route if i cant keep it under control. So far its ok now. Now can you plz help me with a good pct. I only have clomid. Should i get other stuff
130/90 it `s the ideal BP in Europe for males-age 18-38 years old.So your blood pressure it`s just normal.I normally take 3-4 g of omega 6/day, 3 g of arginine before workout, 5 grams before sleep, and be carefull with salt.
130/90 it `s the ideal BP in Europe for males-age 18-38 years old.So your blood pressure it`s just normal.I normally take 3-4 g of omega 6/day, 3 g of arginine before workout, 5 grams before sleep, and be carefull with salt.

Your spot on.
Great thread - I have the same issue with BP - creeps up from time to time. I've read garlic is a great supplement to really help lower BP, but only in tablet form. What are you taking OP? Care you share the info? Surely you are not eat raw garlic unless you are single and plan to stay that way :)
See tjadri everyone agrees you aint gonna die. Your stuck here on O'logy with all these crazy juice heads.. ah ha LOL :insane:

Lol, im really grateful with all of you. I been checking my bp twice a day. 120s/70s. I guess adding a few natural things helped out.