Is 130/88 blood pressure something to worry about during my cycle

130/90 it `s the ideal BP in Europe for males-age 18-38 years old.So your blood pressure it`s just normal.I normally take 3-4 g of omega 6/day, 3 g of arginine before workout, 5 grams before sleep, and be carefull with salt.

Will do. Thank you
Great thread - I have the same issue with BP - creeps up from time to time. I've read garlic is a great supplement to really help lower BP, but only in tablet form. What are you taking OP? Care you share the info? Surely you are not eat raw garlic unless you are single and plan to stay that way :)

I chop it up in lil pcs and mix it with a tbs of honey in the morning eod. Wash it down with some water. Its not bad at all