Is 22 too young for dbol?

this was all a great help, learned a great deal of information and you guys literally stopped me from oral dbol and jumping on some next cycle. I read most of the stickied, and will be looking for a lot more info. And i think i have decided on this, tell me if its the "smart thing to do". You guys said bulk till 195 at least at 6'2 before roids, and i countered with its impossible as a natty to be 195 and lean. However i have noticed that even if i do get bit more fatter while getting back to 195-205 again (cause i have bulked to 210 before) i would still have more muscle compared to now. By slowly bulking their back again (hopefully slow) in 6 months to a year, i will have more muscle. Than i may be more ready for the first steroid cycle, as i will have more muscle than now to add on top of (my logic here is that, if i use roids to get from 165-180 for example, it will be harder to add on top even if i do another cycle. however if i go naturally to lbm of lets say up to 175 than use roids to get to 190 its 10 lbs more which makes a huge difference hence after the first cycle they will be more sensitized. Is this correct?) But imo this has to be done under 13% bf max. By than ill be around 22.5 or 23 years old at least, and than will decide/most likely decide if i want to/how go for the first cycle. So this wont be a result of my young immediate gratification impulses and quickfix/low patience decision which might end up with severe problems due to lack of knowledge. This will also give me the whole summer to study and learn about these things and become more mature about it. So this is the mind set you guys have leaded me into thus far. Am i on the right track? would you guys like to add, delete or change some of the things i decided upon?
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Good choice..^^

Note: your body fat percentage is going to be completely dependent on your diet,, not AAS.. Gear won't make you fat (it can make you hungry though).. On a first cycle you could put on way more then 10 pounds. You could put on 20-25 (or 33 like I did).. And this isn't fat weight,, again fat is based on diet.
Now this isn't pure "new" muscle weight either, when you train with gear, you'll put on volumizing weight. Your muscles will fill with water, blood, glycogen stores,, you'll be retaining more nitrogen, blood volume etc.. Your muscle cells will grow ,, your probably not gonna gain new muscle fiber and cells (that takes a long time with training myofibrillar fibers),,
So all of this is gonna result in an increase of weight (it's not fat)