Is 22 too young for dbol?

All you need is test as your AAS compound of choice for a first cycle..

I put on 33 lbs my first cycle a few years back.. Not only did I keep it, I kept gaining, and will continue to gain,, I started at 147 lbs,, shooting for 200+ pounds at 10% bf by the end of next cycle.
Test is king and is the base of any AAS cycle
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^^^ LOL... This reminds of the of the 6 pack short cuts commercial on YouTube

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^^ ain't no short cuts in this game... That's a myth. .
80% diet
15% training
5% gear

You can't short cut anything and then expect to make gains.. Short cuts don't lead to results,, that's impossible. Again, a myth
The 5% gear is a stretch... I mean who says that you can't build a great body without steroids ?

80% Diet
20% Training

You could have easily built that body without gear...
The 5% gear is a stretch... I mean who says that you can't build a great body without steroids ?

80% Diet
20% Training

You could have easily built that body without gear...

I definitely agree about building naturally,, and building a good physique naturally.

As for me, I couldn't do that without the missing ingredient I needed.. Test.
I trained for years and been in the gym for years.. Never could gain weight.. Went to the doc, found out I had hypogonadism,, my total test was 167 ngnl,, and been that way for years... You can't make gains at that level, that's 90 year old man levels,, that is muscle atrophy levels.

So your right in regards to most guys, your wrong in regards to me though.. I couldn't have done that my first go around without test. Impossible, because my body didn't doesn't produce it's own

Physically impossible FOR ME to get naturally to 200 lbs 10% bf at 5'10 without the 5%

Edit- and on a side note to this,, that's why I got doctor prescriptions for test p, test c, deca, and primobolan.. When most guys can't
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Can I ask how old you are ?
Are you on trt ?

I'm 47 now.. I started cycling when I was 30. I was always a skinny kid. People even referred to me as a horse jockey because I was so small lol
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Are you on a steady course of Arimidex or are they giving you Aromasin ?
I think that Aromasin is a more friendly AI in this case, isn't it ?
I was a fit 175 at 19,, always involved in sports and fitness.. Did a lot of cardio and endurance sports, , but when you jump on the scale at age 35 and see your suddenly 147 lbs. even though your active and lift and workout and eat healthy,,, you know something has to be wrong. I could not put on weight even with 4000 calories a day..tried everything. Well it was time to see a doc. Problem solved now that I know what the issue was
Are you on a steady course of Arimidex or are they giving you Aromasin ?
I think that Aromasin is a more friendly AI in this case, isn't it ?

When I'm on my trt dose I only need a very small amount of AI,,, when I blast a cycle I kick it up.
Arimidex is what I have prescribed,,, but I believe you are correct in regards to aromisin as a possible better long term solution being it may be less liver toxic then arimidex/anostrazole
A friend that I use to know on this site a few years back, A pretty big dude, 300lbs+ ...
He was also on a big dose for TRT and was having a lot of problems with Arimidex. He fought hard with the endo to get Aromasin but it did wonders for him.

That's what I use on a big cycles, But I don't do big cycles anymore because of my age and weight.
Right now I'm 47, 230lbs, 5'9", At least 15% BF and I'm very heavy for my body frame...
I'm looking to claw my way back down to 190 this year and stay there...

40 is not old by any means but heavy muscle does take a tole on you as the years go on from there.
At the same time, I am way more driven when I'm on cycle than not... In the end I hope to be a happy, lean, 170 pounder and put the gear behind me...
Right now, I can't see me reaching those goals without steroids... So the pendulum swings.

EDIT: Sorry to the OP. I thought I was still posting in the 40 and on steroids thread... I'm getting old hehe
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D-bol ?

Add a protein shake.Stop counting calories..Feel the nitrogen balance kick in.What's the nitrogen balance? ..It's when you get all in your sleep but you're awake.You're warmer then the outside air.Good times to make gains in the winter.

D-bol will shut you down and you're taking Nova is a good idea.D-bol will aromatize quicker than say using 250mg of sunstan.The water weigh from D-bol will end up on your nipples making it look like its gyno.So careful thinking.

22 is young to use D-bol...Just more of a diet thing.But don't "diet"..just do better quality foods.

I'm 5'7 and hit a high of 203 with vitamin B12 shots 2 years ago.Now walk around at 185 and it's all diet.Try B-12 shots and add 2 meals in the day for fun..or always have your mouth chewing on something.

Taking D-bol might save you from shaving bills for 20 years from being shut down and then you take D-bol WITH test and you're in your late 40's and now gives you an added kick of androgens.Or you restored the natural balance of androgens that maybe might one have been missing anyways if he didn't take d-bol in the first place.
I can tell you that all these guys are right on. I will not waste your time or anyone else's on here by being redundant as to making solid their claims and well educated and sound advice from books and the field (on stage).

I will stick to what I KNOW to be true. Your claim about the old days and Arnold & d-bol only is bullshit. I am an old-timer hence my name oldmusclemike. I an 63 years old. This is me back in 86'.

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And this is two (2) years ago

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Now nothing much but just a little experience ..ya think. I was around in those day bud and we just stuck our asses but we weren't doin just oral d-bol cycles...bunk.

Now at this day and age we have scientifically found what works. You can do your oral d-bol, hey your choice, but I will tell you without the proper diet and the base of test, you will fill up with water and loose it at the end...I TALK FROM EXPERIENCE. So Bullshit with the Bro - science of yours you don't have a clue, the education and or the experience. That's straight up. :(

You want to take care of your body as you do this and want to maximize your gains then listen to 3j as well as all these more experienced guys. :dunno:

PS: remember I started in 80'
At 6'2", 176lbs, with a BF% of 5.5, your FFMI is 18.31 which puts you into the 25-50% percentile. In a nutshell, you have a hell of a lot more potential natural growth ahead of your at your age, before you even consider AAS. Start eating! Start lifting BIG! you have to lift big to GET big! You "should", at your age, weight, and height, be able to maximize your natural growth to about 210 - 220lbs at 5.5% BF, assuming that you are in the average to above average percentile for FFMI (50-75% percentile).

At 22, you run the very real risk of causing yourself very real, and life altering damage. The fact that you even suggested an oral-only cycle speaks volumes to the regulars here, and tells anyone here that you should stay the hell away from AAS until you have a few more years and lbs under your belt

I'm honestly not being a dick by saying this: I am trying to encourage you to maximize your own potential before you start looking to AAS
I can tell you that all these guys are right on. I will not waste your time or anyone else's on here by being redundant as to making solid their claims and well educated and sound advice from books and the field (on stage).

I will stick to what I KNOW to be true. Your claim about the old days and Arnold & d-bol only is bullshit. I am an old-timer hence my name oldmusclemike. I an 63 years old. This is me back in 86'.

View attachment 560694View attachment 560695

And this is two (2) years ago

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Now nothing much but just a little experience ..ya think. I was around in those day bud and we just stuck our asses but we weren't doin just oral d-bol cycles...bunk.

Now at this day and age we have scientifically found what works. You can do your oral d-bol, hey your choice, but I will tell you without the proper diet and the base of test, you will fill up with water and loose it at the end...I TALK FROM EXPERIENCE. So Bullshit with the Bro - science of yours you don't have a clue, the education and or the experience. That's straight up. :(

You want to take care of your body as you do this and want to maximize your gains then listen to 3j as well as all these more experienced guys. :dunno:

PS: remember I started in 80'

this info has the value of gold to me atm, i was convinnced not to do dbol only but now i am convinced with no question in my mind left. This was amazing info, thx so much
At 6'2", 176lbs, with a BF% of 5.5, your FFMI is 18.31 which puts you into the 25-50% percentile. In a nutshell, you have a hell of a lot more potential natural growth ahead of your at your age, before you even consider AAS. Start eating! Start lifting BIG! you have to lift big to GET big! You "should", at your age, weight, and height, be able to maximize your natural growth to about 210 - 220lbs at 5.5% BF, assuming that you are in the average to above average percentile for FFMI (50-75% percentile).

At 22, you run the very real risk of causing yourself very real, and life altering damage. The fact that you even suggested an oral-only cycle speaks volumes to the regulars here, and tells anyone here that you should stay the hell away from AAS until you have a few more years and lbs under your belt

I'm honestly not being a dick by saying this: I am trying to encourage you to maximize your own potential before you start looking to AAS

what is your source for this, because i thought i was almost maxed out as a natty. All the internet sources that rate people as natty or not has lead me to belive that there is not much room left for natty advancement. Especially looking at the bb of the golden era. frank zane for ex. was 185 or 190 i forgot and around 5% bf, i cant get to 210-215 5%bf as a natty i wish thats possible but theres literally no evidence in real world
what is your source for this, because i thought i was almost maxed out as a natty. All the internet sources that rate people as natty or not has lead me to belive that there is not much room left for natty advancement. Especially looking at the bb of the golden era. frank zane for ex. was 185 or 190 i forgot and around 5% bf, i cant get to 210-215 5%bf as a natty i wish thats possible but theres literally no evidence in real world

IMO it will not be possible to get to 210 as a natty even at your height and low body fat%...Still not 5% but lets say you are 10%. I say about 195 to 200 is maximum.
IMO it will not be possible to get to 210 as a natty even at your height and low body fat%...Still not 5% but lets say you are 10%. I say about 195 to 200 is maximum.

i wish that was possible, but there is no single evidence out there, look guys i am not saying i look bad or small with short sleeves, heck i am one of the best everytime i step into the gyms i go to, except one where there was people on roids (phil heath and jay cutler also worked out there, and still ben pakulski comes at times) where i feel like an average joe everytime i go but that why i like it, it pushes me cause they look "better" at the sport :P But as a natty even if 195 lbs were possible i would never consider roids, cause that's exactly the weight i want. around 195-210
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