Is EQ needed??


New member
How important would the addition of 400mg of eq per week be to this cycle:
35mg dbol weeks 1-4
500mg sus weeks 1-10
50mg Winstrol (winny) eod weeks 8-12

I would like to save on money, will the Winstrol (winny) alone help keep gains and cut up? Thanks guys
I think it's fine the way it is. Beside the Winstrol (winny) will kick in pretty fast. The EQ would just be getting going at week 6 or 8.
I prefer Eq to Winstrol (winny) for getting cut,but I guess that is just me..I also think that Winstrol (winny) is too expensive
Hey lancer..........I thought you said yesterday, that you had already started your cycle and could not get EQ right away.

Has something changed ?

If you are going to add EQ, you should run it a min. of 10 weeks, which means you should extend your whole cycle to compensate.

As far as your question about Winstrol (winny) for cutting and helping to maintain gains, I answered that in your post yesterday, so I won't repeat myself, and we'll see what someone else has to say about that here.
My goals are to put on some mass, I'm 5'10 205 right now about 11%bf. Then after I get some weight, would like to retain as much as possible and get cut up and get hard. Budget a little tight, so if I could get away with just using Winstrol (winny) along with clen, maybe throw in some suspension, primo? I could do that because that would be around week 7. I would have more cash. Any ideas??
Yeah, something has changed EQ is available! That's good and bad, lol You know Stone your right, I think I'm over thinking this. As far as my cycle goes, Monday March 3 will be the begining of week 3. I think I will drop the eq idea and concentrate on dbol and sus, then switch to Winstrol (winny) and ? I've heard suspension is good. I study too much!!!!!!!!!!
lancer said:
Yeah, something has changed EQ is available! That's good and bad, lol You know Stone your right, I think I'm over thinking this. As far as my cycle goes, Monday March 3 will be the begining of week 3. I think I will drop the eq idea and concentrate on dbol and sus, then switch to Winstrol (winny) and ? I've heard suspension is good. I study too much!!!!!!!!!!

Wise decision bro. :D

I would look at prop instead of suspension to end your cycle with. There is no way I would recommend suspension in your first cycle. You have to inject everyday, preferably twice a day, just not something to experiment with on your first cycle.
lancer said:
Stone, what do you think of tren in this cycle? (I think I'm getting greedy)

I think you know the answer to that....this is your first cycle....there will plenty more in your future to experiment and try different compounds.

Remember "kiss" keep it simple stupid :D
lancer said:
How important would the addition of 400mg of eq per week be to this cycle:
35mg dbol weeks 1-4
500mg sus weeks 1-10
50mg Winstrol (winny) eod weeks 8-12

I would like to save on money, will the Winstrol (winny) alone help keep gains and cut up? Thanks guys

It's not a question of how important the addition of EQ would be, it's what are you looking to gain? You made a thread about this already, and many people answered your question. I told you if you are looking to gain more size with a ripped up, hard look, EQ would be much better than Winny.
You also have to consider what SC said, which is true, in order for you to get the maximum benefits from EQ it needs to be taken at least 10 weeks, so that would mean extending your cycle.
If you already have begun your cycle, just keep it as it is. Don't add anything else, I would not recommend Tren on a first cycle. Just take notes and keep these things in mind for your next cycle. Good Luck!
you guys are great! Thanks for your patience with a guy who tends to overthink formulas. Since my last cycle was 5 years ago, I will treat this as my first and look to experiment later. Stone and buff thanks for all your advice. It's people like you that make this game safe and educated! It's funny; people like me will say fuck you to all the laws in the nation regarding steroids, but will stop dead in my tracks when educated people like you guys say! Keep it up!!