Is EQ Overrated? Yes? Or No?

Millineum Man

New member
To the guys that have used EQ. Did it give you the results that are normally advertised such as insane vascularity, killer pumps & veiny appearance? If so, how much did you use a week and how long??
I used it for ten weeks at 400mg on my last cycle. I believe it is a little overrated, but I guess that all depends on what your goals are. It's good in that it is mild and gives a harder appearance, but I believe it's crap if you are trying to get massive.
I believe it is overrated, but I may be wrong. See EQ is a very light androgen and the gains are minimal, I have used it at a higher BF% around 15-16% and I did not see much gains if any, but I attribute that to my bf at the time, now that im down to 9-10% Im sure that the gains + vascularity would be more noticable.
Guys, diet is the key!!!

I can gain 15lbs on 40mg of anavar if I set my mind to it!!

EQ is not overrated if you know what to expect!!
I believe EQ is overrated. I've used it 3 times, and feel I'd be better served with something else.

Good luck
Guys, diet is the key!!!
I agree, if you're looking for pure mass EQ isn't what you want to use, but if you're looking for lbm gain it's a good choice

imo it is overrated. I did have high expecatations though since everyone was talking about how great it was. If you go in not expecting miracles you may be happy, it was good but I would not say ti was great
Personally I think EQ is used best for stacking during cutting, but used alone it is quite mild in manner. Yet, again diet is the key as well.
I was very pleased with my EQ results from the cycle I ran. I did 500mg test cyp and 500mg eq for 8 weeks and I got pretty vascular and big as well. Add in a little dbol and I believe the cycle would be awesome.
JohnnyB said:
I agree, if you're looking for pure mass EQ isn't what you want to use, but if you're looking for lbm gain it's a good choice


I agree. EQ doesn't do hardly anything for size mass, lbm mass it does. I did Test ent/EQ/Dbol cycle not long ago 15lb gain and lost 1% bodyfat. Kept 8 lbs, however I think my gear was underdosed.
I am thinking about doing a cycle with Winstrol (winny) and Tren also and I will include EQ and Clen with these two. I am looking to get down bodyfat % and lose fat. I also want to harden up and get ripped. I will be on a very strict diet during this cycle. Here is what it looks like and let me know what I should expect or what you think about this cycle.

EQ 600mg/week
Tren 150mg EOD
Winny 100mg EOD
Clen 100mcg ED for 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 10 weeks

This cycle will be 8-10 weeks. Will I lose fat and bodyfat on this with a strict diet and also harden up? I am not looking to gain mass because I am already big enough. I am about 6'4 and 315 lbs.
TxLonghorn said:
How anabolic do you feel it is? Would you compare it to Winstrol (winny)?

tough to say exactly but at a gram a week i got some nice strength gains starting about the 5th week. very similar to Winstrol (winny) but a higher dose is needed. just taking a guess i'd 50% more EQ to equal Winstrol (winny). this is just a guess though. for guys trying to make weight and add strength eq works. of course tren is king but eq does a good job.

for guys looking strength gains without the sides of heavy andros it makes for a good option in a stack.

I will say this that in the past i used eq to stimilate my appetite more than anythig but at lower doses. the guy who taught me to bench (world record holder in the 198s) sugested trying it at 1g/w and see what happens. i was pleasantly surprised. :40oz:
Guys, what could I use with Test that will help increase my muscle quality & hardness? Winstrol? Anavar? Tren would be perfect, but it's NOT for me right now just starting out. This will be my First Cycle.
Millineum Man said:
Guys, what could I use with Test that will help increase my muscle quality & hardness? Winstrol? Anavar? Tren would be perfect, but it's NOT for me right now just starting out. This will be my First Cycle.

Any of these would do, Winstrol (winny), ox, eq, tren, halo.

im running 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED and 400mg EQ a week and im at week 5 and im starting to really liek what i see. im running a cutting cycle and was looking to harden up and gain some strength. my bench is already up 50lbs and my squat is up 85lbs ive also lost about 10lbs of fat as well. so if your looking not to be massive but gain some strength and appearance i'd say EQ or Winstrol (winny) are pretty good
i ran 750 a week and the strength gains were good, size gains weren't. You have to use more of it imo to get the same effects from test or deca, so your total weekly dose will be higher, i never go over a gram a week total, unless on eq. I may try it at a lower dose, say 400mg a week and see how that works, with a low dose of test and some Anavar (var) for strenght.
eq works great for strength gains if taken in higher dosages.

agreed. i've posted in the past that i felt EQ was overrated. for ME, 800mg/wk is when i start to see results. currently at 1g/week for 12 more wks and loving every minute of it. size and strength gains are noticeable.