Anyone know if Fizogen ON cycle/off cycle is any good?? What kinda gains could u expect 2 get?? Or isn't it worth the $$
A bud of mine was thinking about trying it and asked my opinion, but i really have no clue, except its damn expensive.
Thanks, I think I'll save my $$. ABout the m1t, been there done that and it works great. ONly 1 problem now, the job i have does give random drug tests (i'd still prob. be alright) BUT if by some small chance they sent it into a lab or something I'm sure the m1t would show and i'd be out of a job. Last m1t cycle, EVERYONE at work kept commenting on how big I was getting. I just said I started eating tons of protein and other food, but it only went so far. I got kinda nervous after many wks and stopped taking it 2wks before i planned to. WEll, they did pop me w/a UA several wks later(cuz I was still big) Don't know if they specifically tested for roids, but kinda think they did a test on that 2 along w/the usual drugs. So its a real pain in the ass, but i'm trying to look for something legal or undetectable on ua's that I can take to gain. I've been on creatine for some time now and think its loosing its effect.
So M1T won't show in piss tests??!!!
Are u sure??? Cuz i'm kinda leary about it. would rather error on the side of saftey. But if it won't i'd prob. go back on this fall. make some good gains again.
So M1T won't show in piss tests??!!!
Are u sure??? Cuz i'm kinda leary about it. would rather error on the side of saftey. But if it won't i'd prob. go back on this fall. make some good gains again.
well the thing will show up but usually job related test are for drugs like marijuana and cocaine,, unless htey wana test u for roids u should be ok,, i will not worry about it besides those test cost alot of money and they have to be spevific test for different substances i doubht they will do that ,,stay off the weed u be fine..p
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