Is injectable winny suppose to be foggy?


I am banned!
Recently I got my hands on some injectable winny, Its something i've never seen before. The oil in the bottle is the usual yellow, but theres a foggy white substance to it. Is this normal for winny?
Ofcourse I run test, its the base for everything.

You're new to the forums so Tbonexl would have no idea what you do and don't know. Best to write up a few full posts so people can get to know you first.
We get a lot of single line questions on ology, to find out it's a 20 year old asking we'd rather not answer.

So pardon our scepticism, we're just following our own strange morals.
You're new to the forums so Tbonexl would have no idea what you do and don't know. Best to write up a few full posts so people can get to know you first.
We get a lot of single line questions on ology, to find out it's a 20 year old asking we'd rather not answer.

So pardon our scepticism, we're just following our own strange morals.
I understand man its all good. I'm 31, been using gear on and off for the past 7-8yrs. All i've ever taken is testosterone (E,C, Sus), outside of one time when i first started i did a deca/eq stack, but thats it. I've always managed to get pretty good gains from test alone. The most test I've ever ran is 1gram a week, and the least is 500mg a week. I try not to get out of control and keep the dosages low. Anyway, Im glad to be a member of the site, I've been looking for somewhere to post my sometimes petty questions, sorry i know. I just like to get feedback as to what other people with similar experiances can provide. thanks
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