Is it easier for shorter guys to be stronger??


Knowledge is Power
It's always seemed like the shorter guys have an easier time putting up more weight. I first noticed this in high school when a couple friends of mine who were about 5'5- 5'7 were putting up around 300lbs when us taller guys were putting up much less.

I'm 6'1 and obviously have since gotten much stronger, but still believe the shorter ROM makes it easier for guys who are slightly shorter to put up more weight. I used to bust my friends balls telling him that he put up more weight because his arms are shorter so he actually only moves them much less than I had to.

What do you fellas think about this? Fact or myth?
i assume that its true-cause i have seen guys alot shorter-and smaller than me put up more weight. if you were to look at us side by side-one would guess i have much more muscle mass.
I think its bull, if anything you taller guys should be able to pack more mass onto your frames. Shorter dudes are just going to look bigger per lb, there should be no actual strength advantages.
That's what my friend used to say. Think about it though, your arm is shorter which means when you bench you're lifting the weight a shorter distance.
Again it doesn't matter, with your logic taller guys should be able to become stronger because you have a "better" range of motion. The fact that someones bones may be less long, to me is not a valid argument to say they are stronger. It comes down to muscle and tendon strength. Maybe all those short dudes just train harder because their short and want to make up for it? (little man complex?) I dunno, I don't think height makes any difference, I would be interested in seeing a study on it though. I do know that when I compared bicep length with a friend, (I'm only 5'7 and he's about 6'2) we both had the exact same length.
Again it doesn't matter, with your logic taller guys should be able to become stronger because you have a "better" range of motion. The fact that someones bones may be less long, to me is not a valid argument to say they are stronger. It comes down to muscle and tendon strength. Maybe all those short dudes just train harder because their short and want to make up for it? (little man complex?) I dunno, I don't think height makes any difference, I would be interested in seeing a study on it though. I do know that when I compared bicep length with a friend, (I'm only 5'7 and he's about 6'2) we both had the exact same length.

I was 5'6 119lbs when I started lifting.
still only fucking 5'6" but at 185lbs now and still not big enough...........
That sounds about right.

Look at lee priest..... That little bastard is only like 5'4"-5'5" with shoes on. I met him in person once and still have the photo, but it amazed me how he only weighs in at comps at like 198lbs but looks like a god damn animal.

People used to tease me about the same shit in the gym, about my short arms. I didnt give two shits, I was puting up more weight than them thats all I cared about.
I think so.
Smaller guys with endomorph body types do seem to put up quite a bit of weight for there size.It might be the point MASSIVE is trying to make,that make sense to me-shorter distance of could possible be they are more compact and can generate more power,again because of the shorter distances of reps
Lee Priest is 5'4"-5'5"?? Are you shitting me?? Jesus Christ man that's insane !

As for this topic- I'd love to see a study although I'm not sure how it would be possible...seems like there are too many variables that would prevent an accurate comparison (tendon strength, effort, and like you said "short man complex" pushing the smaller dude to go way harder)

I'm not trying to take anything away from shorter lifters, more power to you, I'm just pretty sold on the shorter distance making it easier to put up more weight. Think rationally- what's easier to push- 300lbs 1 1/2 ft or 2 1/2 feet?
I like to think a shorter guy is stronger and more massive, this is something I dugged up : Well the answer is... it depends.

Shorter men are stronger pound for pound and their short stature is an advantage in weight-classed power lifting. Let's say one guy is 6'5, lean, and 160 pounds. The other guy is 5'5, lean, and 160 pounds. Assuming equal training the shorter man would win in a weightlifting contest. Although the tall man has the same amount of muscle mass, the shorter man has the advantage of better leverage and a stockier frame. The shorter man has less distance to push the bar.

Now tall people of equal muscle mass are stronger in some ways. Getting punched by the tall man would probably hurt more than getting punched by the short man. The tall man's longer arm allows for more acceleration, causing a more powerful punch. Swinging a tennis racket or throwing a ball would provide similar advantages for the tall man.

In male gymnastics the men tend to be short, since short men are stronger pound for pound, they are better able to throw their bodies around in the routines they do.

The strongest men in the world, when considering raw power, are of above average height. People grow proportionately and so tall men carry more muscle. In the lower weight classes of powerlifting short men do well, but in the heavyweight category, the strongest of the strongest, big tall burly men prevail.
i absolutely think being shorter plays a roll.. i dont really see how anyone can argue this.. longer arms = longer distance.. shorter arms = shorter distance.. IMO its a no brainer..
I'd say yes it matters. It's easier for a short guy to bench the whole 6 inches from his chest to lockout. It's easier for tall guys to reach the top shelf, easier for short guys to do backflips, and it's easier for tall guys to dunk a basketball, just the way it is man. Also, at 6'3' I can lose or gain 20 lbs and barely notice, on a short guy it would be much more obvious.
I'd say yes it matters. It's easier for a short guy to bench the whole 6 inches from his chest to lockout. It's easier for tall guys to reach the top shelf, easier for short guys to do backflips, and it's easier for tall guys to dunk a basketball, just the way it is man. Also, at 6'3' I can lose or gain 20 lbs and barely notice, on a short guy it would be much more obvious.

doesnt that suck? im 6ft2 and in order for people to see a difference "the damn bitch you got big comment" i have to gain atleast 20lbs.. but my buddy is 5ft7 if he puts on 10lbs you see it drastically..
i think it depends on the person, there is a guy at my gym 5-6 220 and ripped. He benched 405 6 reps. Was quite impressive, he did go all the way down too but he does have shorter arms and a huge chest. Idk if its that or hes just strong as hell.
No. Shorter guys have to work just as hard for every pound of lean mass.
Taller guys may have larger ROM, but its only relative to the persons size.
For example, the thicker your chest is (tall or short) the ROM is shorter.