Is it easier for shorter guys to be stronger??

I think its bull, if anything you taller guys should be able to pack more mass onto your frames. Shorter dudes are just going to look bigger per lb, there should be no actual strength advantages.

ohh so u think taller guys should be able to pack more muscle mass huh??

how hard is it for someone to add muscle? i have to eat twice as much as a 5'4 160lb guy who looks ripped to look like him..

u ever seen a tall guy and a short guy go at arm wrestling? the shorter guy usually wins, wanna know why? he packs more muscle per square inch and has to do less work in torque and strength to overcome the longer arms of the taller guy...

a shorter guy will be able to bench more then a taller guy.. a shorter guy will be able to lift more weight then a taller guy.. simply put, he doesn't have to go the same distance! the taller guy has to cover a longer distance in his movements, he has to overcome more static energy in his movments...

im a pretty tall guy at 6'4, so is my bro at 6'6... there are short guys that can out bench, squat, and curl us.. i dont let it get to my ego, i know the physics behind it..
Who gives a fuck? Ive been with my fair share of women, and not one has ever walked up to me on the beach and said "Damn i'd love to fuck you... wait... you can only bench 265lbs? Uh... nevermind!" lol
I feel qualified to comment on this one.I lift at a gym I wont name that is stocked with IPA pro's(me included).

Short men have a HUGE advantage in the bench press.Actually a short guy with short arms has the best of both worlds.The much shorter ROM makes a huge difference.Anyone that thinks differently is either short or uninformed.

My 18 yr old son is a 440 lb bencher in a shirt.He's 5'9" 215 lbs with a thick body from front to back and average arm length for his height.I'm 6'2" with a 6'4" wingspan and benching is my worst lift by far.My kid owns me and will forever because I'm not a thick body like him.I would have to weigh 320 + to be as thick as him and that isnt happening.

Bench=Huge advantage for short stature guys with short arms.If your elbows go past parallel with your back to touch the bar to your chest you're not built to bench.I'm about 4 " past parallel so I'm basically pushing my shoulder blades together then trying to muscled the weight off my chest.I always get stuck right off my chest,if I can get it 4" off my chest I'm going to lock it out.

Squat= Toss up I out squat lots of short guys,I have thick quads and a strong back.

Dealift= Tall guys have an advantage because of the longer back muscles and typically larger hands to grip the bar.I have HUGE hands and a very strong back that help me in this lift.I know guys that could pull 800 if they could hang onto the bar.Most PL's have small hands to go along with short stature.

Louie Simmons said years ago that the best lifters have the perfect body type to perform that particular lift.Combine the right body with a hard core mindset and you get top shelf lifters.

I know that my body type holds me back in the PL world but like I tell my fellow gym members I'm more cut and buffed then 90% of them and run a 4.85 40 time at 250 lbs and 40 yrs old.
.I'm about 4 " past parallel so I'm basically pushing my shoulder blades together then trying to muscled the weight off my chest.I always get stuck right off my chest,if I can get it 4" off my chest I'm going to lock it out..

I was watching the nfl combine and they talked about this. The shorter built guys were putting up the 225 a ton more, because of the shorter arms and they upper body build.
don't forget us shorter dudes get discriminated so we have a complex of being man handle :molepoke:thats enough to hate inside and lift harder drink harder fuck harder:moon:
Lots of great responses here boys. I was away and haven't checked in on things for over a week but most confirmed my suspicions to the T.

Thanks for all the solid input.
Lots of great responses here boys. I was away and haven't checked in on things for over a week but most confirmed my suspicions to the T.

Thanks for all the solid input.

to the T ha, ahh I see now massive r u saying im a short stop lol, stop looking down on me lol , Im going to need a fucken latter to strangle u,lol,...:eyepoke:
to the T ha, ahh I see now massive r u saying im a short stop lol, stop looking down on me lol , Im going to need a fucken latter to strangle u,lol,...:eyepoke:

Easy there lil guy. My pinky toe isn't in the mood right now. LoL

My guess is scarz would say some funny shit right about now shittin on the little guys but yo like I said- much respect to all - this thread wasn't about hating on anyone- just wanted to clarify an on-going debate I had with an old friend. I don't talk to the fuckin kid anymore anyway....just wanted to know I was right.

Now quit with the Napoleon-complex bullshit before I get my 6 year old cousin to smack a mufukka
Easy there lil guy. My pinky toe isn't in the mood right now. LoL

My guess is scarz would say some funny shit right about now shittin on the little guys but yo like I said- much respect to all - this thread wasn't about hating on anyone- just wanted to clarify an on-going debate I had with an old friend. I don't talk to the fuckin kid anymore anyway....just wanted to know I was right.

Now quit with the Napoleon-complex bullshit before I get my 6 year old cousin to smack a mufukka

lmfao... the big guys have to regulate but be humble in the process.. what a mess...

people dont understand what it means to have a big tall frame... i have random people saying hi to me.. i intimidate easy.. i have to keep a smile on my face from ear to ear at all times, or my bro says i look like im gonna kill someone... i dunno...

but i'd rather be 6'4 then 5'4 anyday! no offense to you shorter lucky bastards who have to do half the work to get big and ripped...
depends on body type not just hight. Im only 5'7" but this guy i workwith (hes a barback/ bar help) is same hight but the guys soo skinny, hes got the very very slime low bodyfat body typ.
I have the bulky/wide shoulders bodytype, luckly without much bodyfat hehehe.

my point it if the guy thats not tall is the bulky/stocky type then yak he have better ways to putting on mass then the 6'2" toothpicky bodytyp.

ps. blondie bombshell is of fuckin hot mama ! :-P :-D
lmfao... the big guys have to regulate but be humble in the process.. what a mess...

people dont understand what it means to have a big tall frame... i have random people saying hi to me.. i intimidate easy.. i have to keep a smile on my face from ear to ear at all times, or my bro says i look like im gonna kill someone... i dunno...

but i'd rather be 6'4 then 5'4 anyday! no offense to you shorter lucky bastards who have to do half the work to get big and ripped...

hold on there horse man, all women know u tall, and I mean 6'4 tall guys have big cocks, wtf who do u think women will pick, so who is lucky then, I go with another women if I was one, but thats just me,lol,.Im going to need elevator shoes get good 3 inches tall and a dick transplant to get 12 inch cock,lol.
hold on there horse man, all women know u tall, and I mean 6'4 tall guys have big cocks, wtf who do u think women will pick, so who is lucky then, I go with another women if I was one, but thats just me,lol,.Im going to need elevator shoes get good 3 inches tall and a dick transplant to get 12 inch cock,lol.

haha.. yea have u realized i cant date anything under 5'5?? they cant even take me!!! i couldn't fuck a girl doggy style cuz she was too small... it hurt her..

so now my height limit on girls starts at 5'5, which leaves me with less to work with... fml

just an excuse for tall people
Height is irrelevant. The question is arm length as that changes the mechanics of the lift we are debating (bench press). Bench is a compound lift which moves two joints - elbows and shoulders. The longer the arms, the greater the radius from the inside of the chest to the edges of the elbows. Anyone remember levers from 5th grade geometry? I think even JamieOleBoy is old enough to have taken geometry, even if Reading Rainbow had been on the air for a whole decade before you were born. It will take more force to move the same weight with longer arms.


I couldn't find an example for bench, but the principle holds true for curls. The longer the distance from F to R, the more force necessary through E to move the weight. It will take MORE muscle mass to curl the same weight with longer forearms.

You aren't "stronger" just because you move more or less weight. It is one exercise which is simply representative of your individual abilities. The mechanics of the lift combined with your physical properties can greatly aid or hinder how much raw weight you throw around.
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