Is it okay to do arms/legs sameday?


New member
alright fellas is it okay?also i was told to start my week doing legs just cause your body produces more natural testosterone that will last through out the week.give me the opinions fellas...
I like to workout 4 days out of the week so the other 3 cardio or 2 cardio and one rest day
chest tris
back bis
shoulder shrugs
legs arms

i dont rely on it
it just seems to benefit me throughout the whole session
I like to workout 4 days out of the week so the other 3 cardio or 2 cardio and one rest day
chest tris
back bis
shoulder shrugs
legs arms

i dont rely on it
it just seems to benefit me throughout the whole session

You've already worked your biceps and triceps. No need for an arm day.
I have a decent size chest and since i would really not ever work on arms i do em twice a week to focus a little on them more but i make sure i dont over train when i do them on leg day i just do 3 sets of each with supersets
If you are doing legs right, I cant imagine doing arms as well. All I can do after legs is abs and low intensity cardio for about 20 mins.

Dont really understand your last post re arms, but Doesnt seem like you need a second arm day. If arms are weak point and you need a second workout for them, I would do a separate day. Why not add them to a cardio day?
Right after im done with legs, i do 3 sets of 6-12 reps with superset till failure both bi's and tri's,and the reason i dont do on cardio day is because i just run 4 miles around my house instead of driving to the gym :d
what im curious about the most is the whole testosterone theory?

As far as the test theory, not sure. Never heard that. Interesting though. I do legs at beginning of week also only because I seem to have more energy. Thats usually the reasoning i hear and read about when legs are suggested as first workout of the week.
That does make sense hmmmmm
ive always liked doing chest on my first day
is it bad if i left it like that,or whatever i feel comfortable with?
Not bad at all. If thats what works for you stick with it and see. I mean its always good to change things up from time to time and surprise your muscles, not to mention breaking up the monotony of the same routine, but if its early and youre making gains I wouldnt change a thing.
alright fellas is it okay?also i was told to start my week doing legs just cause your body produces more natural testosterone that will last through out the week.give me the opinions fellas...

That sounds like ultimate broscience.

But to your question, you can if you would like but IMO there are better ways to split your training so you can get maximum intensity for the muscle group.