Is it really more diet than anything else??


New member
So something strange ive been hearing.. The key to an awesome physique is more diet than anything else. Im beginning to feel like this is the truth. For years ive been a really good dieter, rarely eat sweets, my caloric intake is perfect. So are the vitamins and mineral intake. I eat pretty much the "paleolithic diet" which I guess is a lot of vegetables, lean meats and things like that.
Once in awhile I splurge, but not too often. I am FAR from gym junkie, especially within the last year since ive been in a steady relationship. I dont really exercise ever, I just go on walks and maybe jog a bit, but not because im trying to "get into shape" I just do it cuz it feels good. I generally weigh about 128-140 lbs. Many people consider me extremely light and small boned. Im about 5 foot 6 inches tall. But I got abs and V-shape even though I dont do crazy things like 1000 situps per day or anything.
Basically im an average joe in a relationship focused more on family these days than anything else. I dont know how the hell you can maintain a relationship and work out like a mad man like some people do.
Anyways, I feel like I keep in pretty good shape without making a regular routine of jogging a mile a day, 20 minutes a day, or doing x amount of sqauts pullups or anything like that. I dont have a plan or routine, basically I just make sure I get outside once in awhile for a certain amount of time. Ill go outside with my GF's neices and run around with them. Its so much funner and less stressful than an exercise routine. Doesn't burn gobs of calories, but it makes me happy, reduces stress. I feel like a happy child again even though my life is hard and stressful. As a result im less likely to pig out to compensate for the stress because first of all im spending time focusing on something other than sitting in front of the tv eating. Even if I only burn 75 calories while someone else burns 300 calories jogging it don't matter, because ill be less likely to put down 2 or 3 250-300 calories bagels or something each day sitting in front of the TV because im outdoors with the children and a puppy.
So.. is diet really the main key? It would seem like it to me. Theres so many people out there who dont work out but have an excellent physique. Then theres people who workout like crazy men and are complete gym junkies, but still really dont change their physique much. Working out like a mad man never made me put on 25 lbs of muscle. Even if it did, wouldn't really matter because I have a nice cut up physique at 128 lbs, and all I need to do is go on a walk and eat a low calorie diet to get that.
Diet is the largest part by far, but it isn't the complete picture. You didn't bulk up because 1) your diet wasn't likely dialed in for that effect, and 2) you have to be very consistent with not only the exercise, but specific forms of that exercise. Gym rats that seem to never change their physique suffer from the same malady in that they often simply don't understand the importance of diet and may even have plateaued in their regimen out of stubbornness.

I think it really comes down to what makes YOU happy. If you don't mind having a skinny physique with low body fat, more power to you. Just remember that exercise IS needed to keep your body healthy, so don't completely neglect that facet of living a healthy lifestyle.

My .02c :)
So I might get to rambling here like I always do but here we go.

First off, in my opinion, diet is the number one thing people should be on top of, not only if they want to build muscle or lose fat, but, in every day life. The saying 'you are what you eat' couldn't be truer!! you get out what you put in, so eating healthy will keep you healthy, eating to gain muscle will help you build muscle and eating to lose fat, get the idea. You go and take anyone who has a disease or is constantly in the Dr. office or is on a ton of pills, I bet the majority of them eat like complete shit!! So I am a firm believer that diet can fend off illnesses diseases and things of that nature.

Now when a guy/girl wants to start bodybuilding and putting on muscle or burn fat or whatever the whole thing becomes way more complicated, because there are so many factors at this point. Such as, training methods, adequate rest, proper diet, extended rest periods from time to time and the list goes on. Its not a matter of 'working out like a mad man', that wont do anything. That phrase alone says to me whoevers doing that is working out way to much. There is a fine line between getting a pump or tearing muscle fibers and complete destroying your muscles to the point they don't recover properly.

I took from your post that you are just a dude who wants to be healthy, stay active, and enjoy what your doing, so there really isn't all that much to that. Eat a healthy balanced diet, get some exercise, get a good nights sleep and enjoy what your doing, spend time with the GF and family. It take a certain kind of individual to body build and it also take a certain kind of woman to deal with a bodybuilder (a very kind caring patient woman, trust me). A lot of us guys have found girlfriend who also enjoy the gym and bodybuilding and living like that so its cool. It took my girlfriend a while to get used to how I live and eat and train and all that, now we train together when were both off work and its cool. It doesn't consume you as much as you would think if you have a plan, the only time it will start becoming a task and a strain on a relationship is if you start competing and doing contest preps, that's a whole other situation I wont get into.
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I find that interesting to hear that its mainly the diet that effects the physique and everything else. Now im not going to go on to believe that a couch potato that eats a perfect diet is going to have as good of a physique as someone who trains intellegently, consistently, and does it to a reasonable extent. Unless that couch potato has amazing genetics. There are people out there that by nature are just extremely muscular. There are cases where you'll have one guy who by nature is only about 5'6'' tall and works out and diets perfectly, but will still lose to the 6 foot 5 inch couch potato in arm wrestling, fist fighting, or whatever. Even though the small guy would be in better shape.
I just feel like we have this crazy phsycological sickness in the fitness scene these days. I feel like so many people think they are going to become hercules by diet and exercise and taking vitamins, protein powder and creatine (they think because its legal and because its got lots of protein or some energy giving substance that it must give them the edge somehow).
I know from training for years back when I was a young teen and had too much time on my hands that your body will tone up, you will put on some mass from strict diet and exercise and could definitely get a pic and put it on an advertisement for a protein powder and make everyone think "damn! i want to be like that guy". Then if they saw me in real life they'd be surprised.
You can tone up and build muscles to a certain extent. But from what ive experienced muscles dont just grow and grow and grow due to your willing them to. You got coaches at high school screaming and yelling at the teens for football practice to put their bodies thru so much stress and hard work due to the saying "no pain no gain". They all think that muscular growth and strength is due simply because of the pain they take each day.... And its not due. you can exhaust yourself and work harder and harder but that muscle is only going to grow so much.
you cant eat your way into a bodybuilding physique without training.. of course you have to exercise if you want bigger muscles while lean..

its not like you gain muscle sitting on that couch.. yet diet is 80% of the process..
I see guys in the gym that train like beast and eat Mc Donalds and are fat swole. Then i see guys with half the routine barely driving themselves but take the time to diet and look just as swole and cut. Diet is definitely the determining factor. Regardless of how you eat your muscles only grow due to physical stress "hypertrophy"
Lets be clear you have to work out. But the best training program with out proper nutrition is not going to produce good growth. It fact 7 out of 10 times it's catabolic. IT not just eating the right food. There is a science to it. It's eating the right food n the right amounts at the right time to take advantage of the bodies anabolic state. Working out is the easy part.
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yup.. micro/macro nutrient timing is very important.. giving your body what it needs when it needs it