Is my diet in check?


Critique my diet
Hey guys looking for advice on my diet. My current goal is a bulk and want to try and not gain much fat with it. Am currently on a test&deca&var cycle, starting week 3 and am up 9lbs so far but really don't feel any bigger, feels like midsection bloat.

*Stats currently are 25, 194lbs, 5'10, 13%bf. two cycles under my belt. 1st was test and tren, second was just test. Started at 24, 170lbs, roughly 17% bf.

Here is my daily diet:

8am- 5 eggs, banana, 1 tbl spoon peanut butter, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 scoop protien and a little heavy cream all blended together

10am-*5 eggs, banana, 1 tbl spoon peanut butter, 1/2 cup of oats, 1 scoop protien and a little heavy cream all blended together, can of fruit, cup of cottage cheese.

12pm- 15oz canned chicken,(equals about 50g protien) 1 cup of brown rice, sometimes throw in 2 boiled eggs, cup of yogurt.

3pm- turkey sandwich on whole wheat. Don't have time to eat anything else or I would.

6pm- Pre workout meal- another shake like the morning with 5 eggs. *Or 1 new York strip steak, 1 can of green veggies.

8:30pm- another egg shake or steak with veggies( what do y'all think would be better? Steak and veggies or egg shake?)

11pm- steak or hamburger patty with veggies.

12am- not every night but some night I'll have a full PB&J before I go to bed.

Any help is appreciated guys thanks!
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You did test and tern as your first cycle? How'd that work out for ya?


It was great actually, bf% dropped a good 5-6% and strength and size was thru the roof with no sides at all. Loved it. Doing a test tren Winstrol (winny) next for my cut stack.
Honestly I think it would be easier for us to help you if you provided macro's, Yes sure we know what you are eating but it goes a bit further than that, break every meal down and show us the figures.

What is your ideal daily goal for Protein, Carbs, Fats and of course calories. Provide those stats and keep a log, counting calories comes in handy during a bulk and in the future for reference purposes. You can always look back check the previous stats and incrementally make changes to update and keep your diet in check. Again Daily macros please.
If you are still having diet issues at that point feel free to check out the nutrition section or better yet contact 3J! For he is an expert in the field and can provide you with flexible diet plans that'll benefit you in whatever goals you have.
Ok, I didn't have all the nutritional info for all my foods last night so I'm off to the grocery store tonight and I'll post up macros tonight.

Is that too much fat and too many calories? Checked bf yesterday and it's up 4% from 5 weeks ago???