Is my goal unatainable???


New member
Hello all i am wondering if i might be having unrealistic gain goals and ideas.
I am 5'11 and 148 lbs 30 yr male with what seems to me like maybe 5% body fat not sure how to actually find out, My arms are 13 inchs round when flexd to put it lightly i feel like i look like a sick patient body wise. My goal is to Gain 50 lbs in 115 days. I just started a diet consisting of 170g protein 3000 calories a day also take 100mg Dhea and started working out. I want to start a cycle of test e and stack it with something else possibly but am unsure as to how to do this. Should i find oral or inject-ables? Which is more potent?? how many mg of what should i look into using??? Is my plan stupid? what kind of gains should i expect? I just want to get totally ripped and veiny. Any help advise would be appreciated Ive been wanting to do this for a long time i feel like the guy in the back of old comics that gets the sand kicked in his face by the big guy on the beach. lol.
As for the test i dont want to sound dumb but i have no idea what anything but the test is and have absolutley no idea as to how to dose per day per week any of that. 500-600??? lol and whats Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds??? Again sorry but im a super newb lol
That is unrealistic. U need to train naturally for a while before u jump on juice. Bad idea man. If u eat right and train hard u can make some great gains naturally and then after a while u can decide to use AAS.
Jesus Christ man seriously ? 50lb ??? Read the damn stickies on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ! You might be able to get 30lb with test and anadrol kicker but it's goig to be alot of water weight. DO RESEARCH !!!
If you know nothing, read all stickies at the top of the page. It's a good start.
And yes, 50 lbs in 100 some days is impossible. You sound like an ecto morph, which translates into a hard gainer.
I've been cycling, training, and bulk dieting for 2 years now. I've gained 40 lbs that I keep off cycle. Your goal is certainly possible... It's just gonna take YEARS of persistant, dedicated work. If you want it you can have it. You decide!
And i am researching hence my questions? Yes ive been told i was a hard gainer and are there over the counter supllements that have some affect?? i kinda already figuerd that 50lbs was unrealistic but was just checking. if i train hard and stick with the diet plan what do you think i could gain in the 115 days?? im work out longer i just wanted to set some kind of gain goal.
what the hell are stickeys ??? technology isnt my fortay nor is spelling

At the top of the Anabolic forum section, there are posts at the very top for newbies to read. I wouldn't touch the gear. To be that light at your height, you definitely need to get your diet and training in check. Steroids will do nothing if you don't have those 2 main elements in check. The best investment you could do is head to the diet forum and sign up with 3J. He is the diet forum moderator. If you follow his plan, you will far succeed all expectations, trust me. Your body needs to be made in the kitchen my friend. Good luck.
And i am researching hence my questions? Yes ive been told i was a hard gainer and are there over the counter supllements that have some affect?? i kinda already figuerd that 50lbs was unrealistic but was just checking. if i train hard and stick with the diet plan what do you think i could gain in the 115 days?? im work out longer i just wanted to set some kind of gain goal.

I've heard the hard gainer stories over the years. You might be one. You realize it's going to be tough and you are going to have to eat and eat and eat until you can't eat no more. If 3k calories per day doesn't put some weight on you, then up the calories. You may need 6-7k calories to gain. It will be a challenge but it can be done. I used to eat 12 eggs for breakfast, turkey, 1 cup oatmeal and a protein shake for my bulk diets back in the day. It was hard to get it down but I did it.
Was wondering if its a realistic goal and if anabolics would help as I am new to this you Prick! Thanks for the useful advise. Go dead lift till your A$$hole falls out.

Haha I like this guy. Your goal is attainable just not in that time frame. I'd invest in 3J here he can help u attain that goal in a realistic time frame and get u ready for AAS when the time is right. Aside from that just get some good protein, maybe a mass gainer powder, and just EAT, TRAIN,SLEEP. You can gain 50pds over time with hard work
You need to be eating 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have and train naturally for a while. Since you just started training you should get some gains fairly quick. You aren't quite ready for the juice yet. Train, eat, and sleep and you'll grow. after you do that you'll eventually be ready for gear bro.
You need to be eating 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have and train naturally for a while. Since you just started training you should get some gains fairly quick. You aren't quite ready for the juice yet. Train, eat, and sleep and you'll grow. after you do that you'll eventually be ready for gear bro.

You absolutely do not need to consume 2g/lb BW. You can accomplish muscle building with as little as .7-.8g protein/lb BW. 2g/lb BW is not only overkill, especially if not on a cycle, but can be expensive as hell depending on your noise of protein source.
If you have a hard time getting in calories, try blending up 8 oz milk, a scoop of chocolate protein powder whey or casein, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1 tbsp olive oil or other healthy fat oil. This makes over 500 calories, 40g protein, and plenty of good fats that are needed. It's an easily chug gable amount and tastes decent depending on the protein powder.
u can start of with a cycle containing 500mg test e and deca 500 mg for 12-14 weeks with dbol 40mg per ed for the first four weeks, keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) handy and plan a good PCT . Read the stickys
u can start of with a cycle containing 500mg test e and deca 500 mg for 12-14 weeks with dbol 40mg per ed for the first four weeks, keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) handy and plan a good post cycle therapy (pct) . Read the stickys

this for a first cycle is piss poor