Is my goal unatainable???

u can start of with a cycle containing 500mg test e and deca 500 mg for 12-14 weeks with dbol 40mg per ed for the first four weeks, keep an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) handy and plan a good PCT . Read the stickys

So your advice to a guy that just started working out probably yesterday to jump on 500mg of test, 500mg deca, and Dbol? My girlfriend weighs more than this guy! Bad advice man
LOL thanks all for the advise so far . this is my plan as of now. stick to my 180g protein and 3000 calorie diet the calories are no prob i just eat two Mcdoubles and calorie intake solved. lol. @ Vino 1 thanks for the input my friend i emaild the cat you told me about in the diet section to see if we can tweak my diet plan to fit my needs. and yes i actually did start working out i am just home training with 25lb dumb bells push ups sit ups squats prison style work outs i seen on tv lol.those mother F'rs are ripped and do it with almost nothing and on jail food. I know to ultimatly reach my goal of being massive and veiny it will take some time. i just am using the 115 day as a start stop point to see what my gains are or arent. curently supplement wise i am 100mg of dhea, fish oil, Muscle milk, and creatinex3. are ther any other over the counter things that would help this first few months??
during the winter i tend to dirty bulk a can get expensive so ill give you the recipe i use for my bulking shake...

cup and a half of 2% could get away with whole milk
1 banana
3 tablespoons of peanut-butter
1 greek yogurt
scoop and a half of whey protein
a teaspoon of olive oil

every now and then i throw in some steal cut oats if i have them in.

blend that up and you have around a thousand calories in one shake. the peanut-butter is a bit fattening so i use an organic brand when i get the chance. youll pile the pounds on using this. much better and probably less expensive than the mcdonalds diet you have mentioned. 5-8 meals a day. im not sure what this obsession is with the 115 days, but just be patient and you will get results. i would suggest a gym membership so you can go learn proper technique for the key mass building lifts, such as squats, deads, bench, rows, shoulder press etc...then begin low rep high weight (do not do too much, an injury will completely destroy what your setting out to do). if you cant get a gym membership then body weight exercises are your best friend.
I was always quite skinny fat (no muscles). At 54, I decided that was the end of it so :

I totally cleaned up my diet (no junk, no sugar, unprocessed fresh foods only etc) and started eating

I started lifting with an olympic bar (light weights) 3x a week, with the basic compound lifts (squats, squats and more squats, dead lifts, bench press, rows, overhead press). I sucked and hurt and nothing happened for a long time

I stuck with it, hate more, increased the weights and sucked a little less and kept at it

Eventually in two years I dropped to 16 % fat (from 20+) and added 22 lbs of body weight. Like the more advanced guys tell you, I does work, it is working for me. Eat eat sleep train eat..... And keep doing it all the time
So your advice to a guy that just started working out probably yesterday to jump on 500mg of test, 500mg deca, and Dbol? My girlfriend weighs more than this guy! Bad advice man

Did he just start working out ??? :dienewbie haha .. so how even did you dare ask about starting a cycle ?? just workout hard naturally atleast for 1 year , then follow the cycle for a good bulk ;)
I know I'm late to the party for this thread, but OP on top of the great advice you've gained here, I would STRONGLY suggest you spend 5 days a week in the gym doing resistance training. You'll need to spend at LEAST a year doing this to build up tendon and ligament strength before you even BEGIN TO THINK about AAS. If you're as "small" as you state, AAS at this stage in your life would only cause you injuries and put you in a worse situation than you began with. I would definitely advise hitting up 3J in the diet section of this forum and look into procuring his services as he will undoubtedly be able to help you meet your goals - or at least set realistic ones that you can meet.

Good luck and be safe.

My .02c :)