Is my primo/var/clen/keto cycle good? any input is appreciated


New member
So I want to do a cycle. I did one before of anavar

my cycle:
wk1-8 var 5mg ed UGL
wk1-8 primo shot 100mg ew UGL
wk3-8 clen (30-60 mcg ed) RUI
wk 4-8 Keto 0.25-0.5mg ed RUI

*is dosage ok? can I up it to 10mg ed for var?
*should I wait longer to start keto?
*anyone else done a cycle like this?
*opinion of cycle?

Thanks! : )
Looks fine, only thing I would do is start keto right when I start the clen. Dont wait for any tolerance to build. Prevent it from building right from go.