What do yall think of this 20 week strength cycle?

Isnt that how Rob Kardashian transformed into a gir. i mean, he still looks like a dude, but if he spreads it, its all cheese in between. lol.
hows your cycle going op? any sides?

I ended up starting eq 16 weeks out and test p 14 weeks out (currently a little over 11 weeks out) when the var ended. I'm almost 3 weeks into the test and my lifts are feeling pretty good, but they already had been getting better from the var I just finished. Nothing crazy, I'm not hitting big PRs or anything but it's not time in the training cycle for that. Most importantly I haven't noticed a drop in strength from stopping the var and starting the test P without anything in between to account for var wearing off while waiting for the test to kick in. Primo will start 10 weeks out and SD 5 or 6 weeks out.

Sides are not really any worse than from the var, just the usual acne and having to wax more often. But its a small dose, .3 of test p & .2 of eq every 3rd day, front loaded eq the first week at 2x dose.

I'll test certain lifts (not 1RMs til meet day but rep maxes and things like that. For me a good indicator of "supps" working is my OHP going up, so I'll keep track of that as well as other lifts) and update progression as the cycle continues. Thanks for the interest and hopefully this might help any other women who come on here looking for feedback or guys who want to advise their gfs/wives, since there's really not much out there about gear for us/them.
Man.. Most you guys should be ashamed of yourselves from this thread. Really has made me second guess coming here again with the bullshit unwarranted attacks and belittling *****and then what appears to be guys getting advice from Wikipedia then standing behind it like they have a fucking clue what their talking about. If you don't know you should keep your mouth shut.
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Man.. Most you guys should be ashamed of yourselves from this thread. Really has made me second guess coming here again with the bullshit unwarranted attacks and belittling that were backed by an admin and then what appears to be guys getting advice from Wikipedia then standing behind it like they have a fucking clue what their talking about. If you don't know you should keep your mouth shut. What is there like 3 guys left that have any maturity and knowledge and give a shit and then a mob of trolls?
fuck off
Man.. Most you guys should be ashamed of yourselves from this thread. Really has made me second guess coming here again with the bullshit unwarranted attacks *** and then what appears to be guys getting advice from Wikipedia then standing behind it like they have a fucking clue what their talking about.

Huh? I gave real life advice. I only wanted to help.

I second the motion by gill
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Man.. Most you guys should be ashamed of yourselves from this thread. Really has made me second guess coming here again with the bullshit unwarranted attacks and belittling that were backed by an admin and then what appears to be guys getting advice from Wikipedia then standing behind it like they have a fucking clue what their talking about. If you don't know you should keep your mouth shut. What is there like 3 guys left that have any maturity and knowledge and give a shit and then a mob of trolls?

I honestly think I had good manners in this thread, you should see some of the shit I write lol...
For the most part though? People don't seem to like legit advice simply because it goes against what they think they know.
The deliverance of some input could be better, at least judging myself but at the same time...its a public forum, nobody forced you to come here and ask stupid questions? I've never trolled or been rude to people asking legit questions. I'm here to help but geez...some people lol....

I third the motion of you eating a dick and fucking off.
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Man.. Most you guys should be ashamed of yourselves from this thread. Really has made me second guess coming here again with the bullshit unwarranted attacks and belittling *****and then what appears to be guys getting advice from Wikipedia then standing behind it like they have a fucking clue what their talking about. If you don't know you should keep your mouth shut.
thanks for the suggestions there hoss. why not build more post and make friends around here instead of cooking up a storm.
you better stay on top of this cycle and stay dialed into your ai well. otherwise they will be calling you LittleJones......:hahano: