What do yall think of this 20 week strength cycle?

So back to the real question at hand. Is 20 weeks too long for a female to pin test for?

I guess it depends on their acceptance of masculizing effects and whatever having elevated test would do.

If I was a female I'd go anabolic rating to androgenic rating and decide where to go using it be as a ration. I have read profiles in depth in a long time but either just go Tren (I believe its anabolic ratio is ridiculous) but have no clue about sides in females or milder steroids with very low androgenic ratings

As worried about tits and limp dicks as males are females could avoid androgenic side effects by compound decisions.

All you experienced dudes have to know a roid chick to come post here!!!!!
I honestly think I had good manners in this thread, you should see some of the shit I write lol...
For the most part though? People don't seem to like legit advice simply because it goes against what they think they know.
The deliverance of some input could be better, at least judging myself but at the same time...its a public forum, nobody forced you to come here and ask stupid questions? I've never trolled or been rude to people asking legit questions. I'm here to help but geez...some people lol....

I third the motion of you eating a dick and fucking off.

what happened to Deecee man?
all said and done testosterone will be the determining factor. Getting off into different compounds is compromising something.
Sorry for going MIA. Just the usual pre-meet anti-social bs, but slightly worse than usual possibly due to this long ass cycle.

I had the meet today and I won and PRd my total 72lbs. Weighed in at only 159 with very little dieting so this cycle did what I wanted without the weight gain I was afraid of.

But I did start to cramp after my last squat. I drank over 2 gallons of my water, gatorade, carb, sodium and potassium mix throughout the day and got an IV the day before so I wasn't sure what happened. A guy there was nice enough to help me when it got so bad my fingers were involuntarily closing on one hand and I had to use the other hand to pry them back open. He did some massage stuff which fixed it but it kept coming back sometimes in different areas (quads, triceps, forearms). He also told me after the meet that was my body starting to shut down cause I did too much stuff, even though he didn't know my cycle. I guess it was obvious I was on a bunch of stuff but whatever I don't compete tested so I don't really care.

Later another guy I talked to about it said I f'd up by taking the Chex drops before squats and he was surprised I finished the meet after doing that. I had taken it a few times in training for my last heavy days to see how it would effect me since I'm not a fan of trying something the first time on meet day and I liked it so I was thinking do it before squats, not bench (I like to be calm for bench, I do better that way), and then do a bigger dose of it for DLs. But by the time I was pulling I didn't want to take anything that wasn't water or sodium cause I was afraid my cramping would get worse. So I didn't touch it after squats and I didn't even do my usual PWO before pulling. Still ended with a PR DL but missed my 3rd cause I went for a brave/dumb attempt. Totally fine with the day I had regardless of that. I guess it could have ended different if I had done the Chex before DLs instead of squats but at least I learned from it and still had a good performance.

Takeaways from this are:
No more 20 week cycles.
Chex only for DLs, NEVER again at the beginning of the meet (and only on meet day since now I know how it'll effect me).
I like test a lot.

As for sides, my face got hairy as hell (don't worry I waxed it away I'm not that gross) and my acne was so bad I thought I hurt my back a couple weeks ago but it was just 3 bumps in one area. And I think the Superdrol made me more tired than usual. I read that can be helped with extra carbs so I ate a little extra but still managed to not gain weight. BP was 114/74 when I got the IV the day before the meet, so not bad considering I did one cycle last year (which ended up being a total shit show) that had it up to 138/96.

But I finally benched 100lbs over my bodyweight, smoked my squat PR and the meet announcer said it was the deepest they'd seen today and pulled a PR even though I basically felt like dog shit for the last 2/3rds of the meet. Worth it, but not running this same cycle again, or at least not for the same amount of time.

The last few weeks I upped the dose of everything but was only at
.4 test P
.3 eq
.3 primo
Stayed at 10mg Superdrol for the whole 5 weeks I was on it aside for the last 2 days when I doubled it since I had a couple extras.

Hope this helps anyone who's considering a cycle like this!

Edit: also I did not gRoW a CoCk
Tried it in the past. Lasted a week and a half. I literally thought I was going to die cause my BP and HR were through the roof and I think I slept about 8 hours total during that entire time. Did .1 the first week and went to .2 for 2 more shots and then I was like fuck this and gave what I had left away.

Edit: this was regarding Casanovas question about tren.
Yeah I'm aware of sides, I've done some cycles before and I haven't "grown a cock" yet.

I just wanted to know if this is a good protocol for strength. Or is there a better way to run these or am I missing something or should I leave something out, etc./ actual useful information.
why do you want to grow one?
whErEs ThE PiKtUrZ?!?!?!?!?!

Really? I didn't even have to come back to this forum but I put this info out there to help anyone else considering a similar cycle, not to show creepy pervs like you pIcTuReS.

You wrote that you won, gratz.... Of course im curious to see pictures from the stage...
I got a girlfriend, thank you very much...

Not everyone wants to fuck you, geez... The manners on some people.
If I were female I would do two things:

1. Use the least androgenic compounds possible

2. Avoid DHT derived compounds

- This would leave primarily with EQ and Deca for my go to oils as both are much less androgenic than testosterone.

- For orals I would run Tbol or maybe even Dbol 4-6 weeks before the meet to really maximize strength. These are both much less androgenic than testosterone as well.
Doesnt dbol cause water retention and weight gain?

She said she competes in a weight class. Anything that would add weight makes it harder to hit bodyweight + lbs/kgs in lifts unless is actual muscle mass. As a fighter in my past the last thing I want is something to shove me up 7-15 lbs.

If she is comfortable with the side effects of androgenic activities then she is making her own choice. Her clit may get enlarged? Probably a good thing since most men cant find it. You guys scared it will he bigger than your penis? hahahahaha aaaah I'm just fking with you all.


and what's chex?
You wrote that you won, gratz.... Of course im curious to see pictures from the stage...
I got a girlfriend, thank you very much...

Not everyone wants to fuck you, geez... The manners on some people.

I didn't think you wanted to f me lol I thought you were being a smart ass and asking for pics of the "cock I grew" lol

And I'm a PL not a BB so there are no stage pics. If you want to see vids from the meet private message me and I'll send you the link to my IG.
I think it's actually spelled Cheque drops, I just like to call it Chex mix. Its this stuff you can take a few drops of that makes you more aggressive but is terrible for your liver so not recommended for use outside of competition day.

Edit: response to Mycelium about the "Chex" drops
I didn't think you wanted to f me lol I thought you were being a smart ass and asking for pics of the "cock I grew" lol
And I'm a PL not a BB so there are no stage pics. If you want to see vids from the meet private message me and I'll send you the link to my IG.

I even forgot about that, did you grow one? Any side effects? :P
No lol just a lot of acne and facial hair.

I tried to respond to your message but I don't think its letting me for some reason. Did you get it?
Nope and inbox wasn't full either but cleaned it up anyhow and checked that everyone can PM me so no idea whats wrong :(