Is my sustanon 250 a fake?

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New member
Hi guys I'm new here to the forum but have been lifting for years now. I recently bought a vial of sustanon 250 and I'm kind of suspicious that it might b fake and that really bums me out. It came in a container that u have to put needle through the top like it should but it says on it that its made by " can-med " I've looked online for this brand and can't find it anywhere plz someone help me figure this out
hi... put the bottle away.. its obvious you dont have a clue what youre doing..

why dont you start with some basic info.

training history
Hi guys I'm new here to the forum but have been lifting for years now. I recently bought a vial of sustanon 250 and I'm kind of suspicious that it might b fake and that really bums me out. It came in a container that u have to put needle through the top like it should but it says on it that its made by " can-med " I've looked online for this brand and can't find it anywhere plz someone help me figure this out

can you upload a pic there chief?
Hi yes all I'm taking is the sustanon 250 at 1 ml on Monday and 1 on Thursday. I'm 39 yrs. Old have been lifting since I was around 18 always natural. I'm 5' 11" tall and weigh 226 lbs I work out 3 days on 1 off 3 on 2 off 3 on 1 off. I just wanted to start off slow and use it as a boost
Hi yes all I'm taking is the sustanon 250 at 1 ml on Monday and 1 on Thursday. I'm 39 yrs. Old have been lifting since I was around 18 always natural. I'm 5' 11" tall and weigh 226 lbs I work out 3 days on 1 off 3 on 2 off 3 on 1 off. I just wanted to start off slow and use it as a boost

sorry but you will need an artificial inhibitor, perhaps some hcg to keep your test levels up, please state your complete cycle protocol. what is your bf%? what does your pct look like?
One bottle of sust isn't even close to being a cycle. One bottle will get you close to 5 weeks. Sust takes about 6-8 weeks to kick in roughly. No good.
Sust is a blend of test with different esters. Test will aromatize. You most likely will need an aromatize inhibitor (ai) to control estrogen. Bad, bad things can happen without one. Most notably bitch tits and limp dick plus many more.

Grabbing one bottle of anything really and just start pinning it without even knowing what your doing is flat out crazy. These are hormones. You are altering your hormones. By taking steroids in general, you are shutting down your natural test production. You need to know what to do and when to do it so that you don't completely screw yourself up.

READ THE BEGINNER CYCLE STICKYS! You have everything you need to learn about them.
Thank you guys so much for ur awnsers. I only grabbed one bottle but am grabbing more it was just to get me started.
Its important that u guys know I only want to take it to level myself out basically like a therapy cuz of feeling tired and blah and not healing like I use to but still crushing it hard core. God I love to crush the gym best feeling ever. Leg day tomorrow I can't wait lol. Seriously though no body has given me a straight awnser on " do u think this bottle is a fake? " it says its made by " can med so I've looked on google and can't find this kind thank u
Its important that u guys know I only want to take it to level myself out basically like a therapy cuz of feeling tired and blah and not healing like I use to but still crushing it hard core. God I love to crush the gym best feeling ever. Leg day tomorrow I can't wait lol. Seriously though no body has given me a straight awnser on " do u think this bottle is a fake? " it says its made by " can med so I've looked on google and can't find this kind thank u

bro, there is no way to know if its real or fake, i asked you to upload a pic before and you still have not done it.
bro, there is no way to know if its real or fake, i asked you to upload a pic before and you still have not done it.

This ^^^
OP really how would we know. I did a little research into it for you but have come up short. It sounds like a Canadian lab but do not know.

Tbone gave you some good input on Post # 8 :)

Its important that u guys know I only want to take it to level myself out basically like a therapy cuz of feeling tired and blah and not healing like I use to but still crushing it hard core. God I love to crush the gym best feeling ever. Leg day tomorrow I can't wait lol. Seriously though no body has given me a straight awnser on " do u think this bottle is a fake? " it says its made by " can med so I've looked on google and can't find this kind thank u

Get bloodwork done and see where your test levels are at. Really THE ONLY WAY...
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