is nolvadex ,aromasin too dangerous as they say?need help and advices please.


New member
hello guys,im new on this stuff(sorry about my english),i'd liket know if nolva and aromasin are dangerous for our health,help me guys my mind is going t blow i dont know wich drug to use for my cycle :confused::confused:. my cycle is only testosterone with nolva or aromasin ,help me :P
manage e2 on cycle with an ai (aromasin). Nolva on hand (or ralox) just in case the unlikely scenario gyno appears. Nova & clomid in Pct.
Seriously though, dangerous? I wouldnt say so. I think whats more dangerous, and no offence, is that your planning to cycle and your also asking this question. Jimi and Tbone provided some useful info for you, read up a bit man youll thank yourself later.
iv never heard of nolva and clomid being dangerous.. lol.. where do people get this shit??