Is post cycle therapy (pct) necessary w M1T?


New member
Is PCT necessary w M1T?

I am just about finished w a 3 week cycle. I have gained all of 2 lbs since the inception. I did lose 5 lbs right after I started because of drama, gained all that back, then put 2 more on.

I really am not impressed with this stuff, and don't think it's done anything for me.

I did garner some liquid Nolva "for research purposes only" and want to save it for my real cycle as the nolva I have for that, I am not sure of its authenticity. Should I forgo the post cycle therapy (pct) from the M1T and save the guarateed Nolva for my real cycle?

If I don;t feel any different, do you think I am shut down and NEED post cycle therapy (pct)?
Go ahead and try it without. You will regret it. If M1T didn't work for you, then diet and training regiment needs to be double checked.
I have an excellent diet and I work out 6-7 days a week for over an hour. You can see my 4 day rotation in the Training Forum.

I did the recommended 10mgs a day like it said on the bottle, saw little to no results and upped it to 15.

Like I said, I don't eat junk food, all I eat is sandwiches, steaks, chicken, salmon, etc. I have a food consumption most here would envy.

I think either I got bunk shit from 1fast400 or this stuff isnt the hype it's supposed to be. In fact, the biggest thing I noticed was the extreme loss of appetite to the point where I had to make myself eat while on the verge of vomiting.
Loss of appetite is a side of it. I buy all of my PH's from designer supps. But you will definately want to do post cycle therapy (pct) on it. It will shut you down. However two week cycles aren't nearly as bad as longer ones. I ran both of mine for four weeks.
Yeah, I had 60 tabs but since the recommended 2 pills/day wasn't cutting it, I had to take extra and it shortened my scheduled 4 weeker.
If you think the 1fast400 stuff is bunk, get some higherpower. I am up 6.5 pounds in a week. I did notice a very slight amount of bloating, in my face, but hardly even noticeable even by me. I got some of the fatigue people are talking about but nothing extreme. Interesting tho: I took a two hour nap at 7pm one day when the fatigue was gettin to me and was still able to sleep thru the night which would normally not happen.

I feel more aggressive, but I am very sensitive to that. I think it is partially psychological because I love it when I get pissed off. I don't know why. But nothing even remotley uncontrollable, mainly just helping me add some edge to my workouts. My Bench has gone up 20 lbs for what I rep with,and my calve excercises have gone up in weight. I just did chest, tris, calves today; i will not get to quads and other body parts til later in the week so no telling how much they have increased yet.

The best effect of m1t is definetly the increased vascularity, in the first few days, i was noticing new veins everyday. It has slowed down now, but the new veins that showed up are still there. I was originally taking 10mg/day. I have now upped the dose to 15mg/day for the second week. I am hoping to gain atleast another 6.5 pounds this week. Im gonna try to keep intensity up for sure to get the most outta this stuff.
Good luck to you. I have just one day of 15mgs left. I will stop for three weeks, then fuck the supps; I got a cycle of Test 300 plus 400mgs of EQ each week for 10.

I better see some fuckin results there ;)
Oh and also:

I am planning on running m1t for three weeks, maybe four if I keep seeing good gains thru week three. I am planning on using 6oxo for post cycle therapy (pct). Currently going to look like this:

Week 1: 600 mg
Week 2: 300 mg
Week 3: 100 mg

That is assuming i run m1t for 4 weeks. Ill probably cut it a little shorter, if i only run it for 3 weeks.
Im going to use 6oxo because:
1) its legal
2) i ordered it when i ordered the m1t.
3) it wasnt that expensive, and it would have been more of a hassle to me to get nolva and have to worry about it being real, and worry about it getting intercepted.
Liquid nolva is legal and easy to find from the board sponsor lion nutrition. M1T is in the same legal category now as nolva, so don't fool yourself with the legal issue.
Really? I was under the impression it required a prescription, like clomid. If it's legal, then why don't websites like sell it?
It is a gray area product. You won't be arrested or charged for having it. Hell I have it and clen shipped to me on a military base. You have little to worry about in that regard. You may as well use it while it is still readily available, or at least stock up.
2-3 weeks of m1t is really debateable about whether or not you need PCT... especially at 10-15 mg.... you might only want a couple herbs and let your body restart on its own

and nolva is illegal without a prescription... please dont spread lies
It isn't a lie. For hells sake personal amounts will lead to no trouble. And yes M1T will need post cycle therapy (pct) after three weeks of use, educate yourself.
Sifu, maybe you could help me then. I just finished my 3 weeker of Disappointment1T. I have liquid nolva. When should my post cycle therapy (pct) start, and after that how much how often?