Is Prop the best choice for me?

Mr. X

New member
I'm very sensative to test. I've tried QV 250 enanthate in the past, and started getting gyno. I got a small lump under my right nip, that went away with time and Novla.

I know that "test is best", and would like to give it a try again for my next cycle. I'm reading on one web site that Prop sides occur less frequently. Frankly I find that hard to believe since only the ester is different. Are there actually differences in the sides between prop, enan and or cyp? The only thing I can think of is that prop would be easier to control the sides becuase of the short half life.

I'm currently taking Eq/Deca/Fina and loving it. But I really would like to give test a "shot" again.

I had to start nolva with my last 2 cycles. My last cycle I was running prop the one before that cyp. I started getting gyno symptoms around week 7 on both cycles. The sides from prop seem to be different in the amount of water retention and I don't seem to break out as much on prop.
Peak concentrations wont be as high with prop. That is why there are less sides.

What are your dosages with your current stack? Assuming they are average, that is a pretty strong stack. Therefore, there is a good chance that your gyno was caused by estrogen. Try using adex, letro, or aromasin in your next cycle. Be careful...dont get paranoid. Letro, and especially aromasin can drive your estrogen levels dangerously far down. The lower-levels of normal is what you want for estrogen - nothing less.

Do you want to add the prop to your current stack? or use it alone? or add it to your next stack? If you're going to add it to this stack or a future stack, I'd recommend going the 50mg ED range and using 1.25mg of femara ED. I would not recommend using it alone only because of the dosage you would need to reap any benefits would be higher.
I will never use Test Prop again myself. I am so tired of getting Serum Sickness (flu-like symptons that ruin sleep, eating and workouts) after every shot. Even after a .5 cc shot of 100mg (1cc = 200 mg) I STILL get sick as a dog for 8 - 12 hours. The shots are always pretty painful too for days. I am also sick of frequent injections. I don't mind Tren EOD at 75 mg because it is painless and it is the only product that I use that requires frequent injections.

***NOTE*** Everyone reacts differently to Test Prop - I am just giving you my personal experience. It doesn't mean you will have the same, bad experience with Test Prop that I always do. Some people have no problems with Prop at all. The lone exception for me having ZERO problems with Prop is Viromone (YES it was 100% real/legit) and I suspect that it is because of its low dose of 50mg/ml.

MY OPINION is to stick with Enanthate, Cypionate or Omnadren 250/Sustenon 250. I'd much rather shoot Sus 250 twice (and run a 3rd gen. anti-e ED or EOD) a week that 100 mg of Prop ED or EOD. Of course have Nolvadex on hand too.
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Test is test bro. The "peak concentration" of destrified test can be higher, lower, or the same with prop as it can with ethanate, it just depends on the amount and frequency of injections. Prop peaks and is gone faster, while ethanate lasts longer.

You might look into aromasin or other strong antiestrogens.
The only advantage of test prop in your case would be that if nolva or aromasin doesn't control the gyno you can stop injecting and not worry about the long half life.

Give the nolva/aromasin and prop a try, if it keeps you gyno free then use eth because you know nolva will help.
DO you guys think there is much of a difference in blood concentration levels between EOD and ED shots of prop? I have always run it EOD but may consider ED if someone can prove the levels will be more stable.
The only difference in sides between prop and other test esters that I notice is that I tend to hold less water on prop,Im not saying that you wont/cant get bloated with P but dose for dose I hold less on it.

Ester Half-Life Prop = 96-108 hours, which equates to roughly 4 1/2 days. However, if you figure in a % for "waste" for an injectable, the "standard" seems to be about 2 days. For me, if EOD, then really need to stay on top of timing of shots during those days, don't want to stretch the levels too long. fwiw.
tensity,I have also always been very consistant with the times of my injects with short ester gear.I pretty much shoot at the same time of day for every injection.

force said:
tensity,I have also always been very consistant with the times of my injects with short ester gear.I pretty much shoot at the same time of day for every injection.


Consistentcy is the key. Hells bells, then no worries bro!
'tensity said:
Consistentcy is the key. Hells bells, then no worries bro!

Why is consistency key? i am running suspension/fina/winny/dbol. ED shots with me. Should i try to inject at the same time every day?